Lemon Raspberry Angel Food Cake Recipe with Chocolate Cinnamon Ice Cream


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It’s a berry time of year! I absolutely adore strawberries, the hubby can have the blueberries. This is why we put so much effort into planting a berry garden. Hopefully I’ll be seeing the erm, fruits of that labor very shortly as the strawberry plants are just full of blossoms. Raspberries are my second favorite and we did plant 18 canes last year. We ended up with a handful as a first harvest, hopefully this year we will get a lot more. The hubby can have all of the blueberries we grow. Oh and we both love blackberries but they are a topic for another post. I have made a lot of ice cream lately so I had a lot of egg whites leftover so I thought an angel food cake recipe would be a wonderful way to use them and the berries the hubby brought me from his trip to the big city.

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Lemon Raspberry Angel Food Cake, Reddi-wip®, #BerryJoyfulSweeps, #spon

Lemon Raspberry Angel Food Cake

1 cup cake flour
1 1/2 cups powdered sugar
12 large egg whites
1 1/2 tsp cream of tartar
1 cup granulated sugar
1/4 tsp salt
2 tsp pure lemon extract
zest of one lemon
1 1/2 cups dry, fresh raspberries

Preheat oven to 375°

Have a 10″ angel food cake pan ready.

Combine the flour and powdered sugar in a bowl and set aside.

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In a bowl of a stand mixer with the whisk attached place the egg whites and cream of tartar. Whip on med-high until the whites are foamy. Start adding the granulated sugar a tablespoon at a time. After the last of the sugar has been put into the whites, add the salt and lemon extract. Continue whipping until the whites are at stiff peaks.

Add about 1/4 of the flour/sugar mixture to the whites and gently fold in. Carefully fold in the remaining mixture. Gently fold in the raspberries.

angel food cake batter in pan, Reddi-wip®, #BerryJoyfulSweeps, #spon

Pour the batter into the angel food cake pan. Cut through the batter with a knife to remove any large air holes. Bake in the preheated oven for 30 – 40 minutes, checking at 30 and letting the cake bake until the top is brown and the cracks appear dry.

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angel food cake cooling, Reddi-wip®, #BerryJoyfulSweeps, #spon

Rest upside down until completely cool. Carefully remove from pan.

Angel Food Cake Needs Something…

I thought chocolate ice cream would be a lovely accompaniment to both the cake and the berries so I went with my classic goat’s milk ice cream recipe and added some cocoa and cinnamon. I love a touch of cinnamon in my chocolate ice cream.

Making cinnamon chocolate goat's milk ice cream, Reddi-wip®, #BerryJoyfulSweeps, #spon

Chocolate Cinnamon Goat’s Milk Ice Cream

*I have a Cuisinart 1 1/2 quart ice cream maker so this recipe works for that size machine.

1 quart goat’s milk (of course you can use cow’s milk as well)
4 egg yolks
1 cup brown sugar
1 TBS cinnamon
1 tsp pure vanilla
1/3 cup cocoa powder
1 cup heavy cream (optional – but it does make for a smoother ice cream)
pinch of salt

Warm the milk, pinch of salt, vanilla and 1/2 a cup of the brown sugar on the stove over medium high heat. You just want it to be hot to the touch. Remove from heat.

steps to making chocolate goat's milk ice cream, Reddi-wip®, #BerryJoyfulSweeps, #spon

1.  add the egg yolks, remaining half cup of brown sugar, cocoa and cinnamon to a small bowl.
2. Mix them together – it will be a bit gloopy
3. After the milk has warmed on the stove take a ladle full and add it to the egg mixture and whisk it together to temper the egg yolks. Add a second ladle full of milk and continue whisking until the mixture is smooth.
4. Pour the tempered mixture into the rest of the milk and put it back on the heat at medium.

You do not want to heat the base up too quickly or it will curdle. All good things require patience :)

how to tell ice cream base is done, Reddi-wip®, #BerryJoyfulSweeps, #spon

Slowly heat the base over medium heat, stirring constantly. It will start to thicken and trust me, it turns in a split second. You will know it is ready when you can draw your finger through the mixture and it doesn’t fill back in again. Once it reaches that stage pull it off of the heat.
finishing steps for making chocolate goat's milk ice cream, Reddi-wip®, #BerryJoyfulSweeps, #spon

1. Strain the mixture into a non-reactive bowl.
2. If you want to cool the base quickly place the bowl in an ice water bath. Otherwise just refrigerate it overnight. The mixture needs to be cold to process correctly.
3. It will be thick, rich and cold when it’s ready to process in your ice cream maker.
4. Pour into your ice cream maker. If you are going to add the 1 cup of heavy cream do so at this point.

chocolate goat's milk ice cream, Reddi-wip®, #BerryJoyfulSweeps, #spon

When the ice cream maker runs its cycle put the ice cream in a freezer safe container and freeze until you are ready to serve.

How Was the Angel Food Cake Recipe and Chocolate Ice Cream?

This was a winning combination. I added a bit of whipped cream and it was a party on a plate. The angel food cake recipe was heavenly – light, airy and then those raspberries adding a wonderful surprise. The chocolate ice cream was creamy, chocolately with that lovely hint of cinnamon.

angel food cake, chocolate ice cream, raspberries, Reddi-wip®, #BerryJoyfulSweeps, #spon

I had mine with extra raspberries and the hubby had his with blueberries. He said his dessert was delicious. I don’t know about you but I love a good ice cream dessert like an ice cream cake or an ice cream Napoleon.

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