Bacon Corn Souffle Recipe – What to do with Leftover Corn on the Cob

Bacon Corn Souffle

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I found myself with a leftover ear of corn on the cob and I was trying to figure out what to do it them because who eats only one ear of corn? What about a souffle?  So I set about experimenting in the kitchen. It didn’t occur to me to look and see if there was bacon corn souffle recipe on the internet (I have since googled and learned there are several) – I just winged it. I didn’t know what would happen but I’m happy to report that it came out really well and was quite tasty. This is a recipe that will definitely appear on the table again when I have leftover corn on the cob.

Bacon Corn Souffle

Bacon Corn Souffle 

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Serves 3 – 4

3 large eggs, separated
1 1/4 cups milk
1/4 cup unsalted butter
1/4 cup all purpose flour
1/2 tsp dry mustard
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp cream of tartar
1 cup corn kernels
4 slices cooked bacon
butter for greasing the souffle dish

Preheat oven to 350°
Grease a souffle dish and if you would like sprinkle the dish with the 1 tsp of panko bread crumbs.
Cut a length of aluminum foil long enough to encircle the souffle dish. Fold it in half and spray with cooking spray. Make a collar around the souffle dish with the foil. Place the prepared souffle dish on a baking sheet

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Bacon Corn Souffle,, how to make
Add the corn kernels and about 1 TBS of the milk to a food processor with the steel blade. Process until smooth.
Chop the bacon into very fine pieces
Melt the butter in a saucepan over medium high heat.
Add the dry mustard and the salt.
When the butter has melted add the flour and stir until well combined making sure to eliminate all lumps. Cook for about a minute.
While whisking add the rest of the milk. Make sure you keep any lumps from forming.

Bacon Corn Souffle,, how to make

After the mixture thickens add the corn. Stir well.

Bacon Corn Souffle,, how to make

Add about two thirds of the finely chopped bacon. Stir well. Remove from the heat and set aside.

Bacon Corn Souffle,, how to make

Add the cream of tartar to the egg whites and whip them to stiff peaks. Just make sure they don’t get dry.
Whip the egg yolks until they are light and lemon yellow in color.
Carefully fold half of the whipped yolks to the corn and bacon mixture in the pot. Then fold in the rest.
Fold the whites into the mixture. Souffles are all about air so be gentle but make sure it is well mixed.

Bacon Corn Souffle,, how to make

Pour the souffle batter into the prepared dish and bake in the preheated oven for 50 – 60 minutes.

Bacon Corn Souffle,, how to make

How Was It?

As with most souffles it started to fall almost as soon as I took it out of the oven.

I was so very pleased that it did rise as much as it did. I was a little worried with the weight of the corn in there but it rose like any other souffle. And it tasted delicious. The corn flavor came through so beautifully; a little bit sweet and the edges that were a little more well done were a little like cornbread. The bacon added a smoky richness to the souffle that was a wonderful complement to the sweet corn.  This was a delightful experiment in the kitchen that will now be repeated again and again. I might add some cheese the next time. Mmmmmm

Other Souffle Recipes:

Classic Cheese Souffle

Pizza Souffle

Ham and Cheese Souffle

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