Celebrate Fall with SweetWorks

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This is a Fashionista Event and a promotional item was provided to me by Sweetworks. Hosts for this event are Still Blonde after all these Years and ModlyChic.

SweetWorks, candy in a basket, #SweetWorksAutumn, #sponsored

It’s my favorite season!

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I love Fall. The weather is perfect, dinners are rich and made of the stuff that cooks for hours. The colors of the season are among the most heavenly Mother Nature has to offer; orange, red, yellow and hunter green. It’s a palette that just makes me happy. SweetWorks® recognizes that and makes their delicious Sixlets in those glorious autumnal shades. It’s those pearly candies that inspired my latest experiment in the kitchen. But first a little bit about this candy company. I’ve shared them with you before – see my Pumpkin Spice Chocolate Croissants. The company has been around for over 50 years providing the world with tasty treats like Ovations break-a-parts and those colorful Sixlets.

When I received my big box o’chocolate, gumballs and decorative pearls I sat staring at it for a bit trying to decide what to make. I was initially drawn to the adorable foil wrapped turkeys but I really couldn’t bake with them could I?

So I ate one.

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And it was good.

Those lovely, pearlized Autumn Mix Sixlets really called to me. The colors are just so pretty. I knew I could work with them as decorations and make something really striking. I thought back to what I learned making the Argyle Cake I sent in for the firemen and decided work with a pattern on top of…..well, that was the problem. I didn’t quite know what. I have been somewhat obsessed lately with making caramel so I decided to start there. I will not discuss how much caramel I have made in the last couple of weeks.

Back to what to make – are you ready to join me on a journey in the kitchen with no idea what might happen? Actually I know how it all came out but I didn’t know what I was going to get when I started. Those are my favorite days in the kitchen! It’s really a very easy recipe to make and the result is quite pretty and perfect to take to any holiday party. You can also change it from season to season with different colored Sixlets!

SweetWorks, Vanilla Caramel Shortbread Tart, #SweetWorksAutumn, #sponsored

Vanilla Caramel Shortbread Tart

Serves 8 – 12

For the Shortbread:
2 cups all purpose flour
1/2 cup granulated sugar
3/4 cup softened butter plus more if needed
1/2 tsp salt

For the Caramel:
1 cup granulated sugar
6 TBS cold butter
1/2 cup heavy cream
1/2 tsp salt
1 TBS pure vanilla extract

1 cup assorted Autumn Mix Sixlets®

Make the Vanilla Caramel:
Add the sugar to a heavy bottomed sauce pan. Make sure it has high sided.
Melt the sugar over medium high heat. Stir constantly so the sugar doesn’t burn
When the sugar is completely melted add the butter. The mixture will bubble furiously. Keep stirring.until the butter is melted.

Add the heavy cream. It will again bubble furiously. Keep stirring.
When the mixture calms add the salt and vanilla. It will bubble again. Just keep stirring.
Keep on the heat for another 2 minutes – always stirring.
Remove from the heat and set aside until ready to pour on the crust.

Make the Shortbread:
Preheat oven to 350°
Prepare an 8″ square pan by lining it with foil or parchment and then spraying the foil with cooking spray.
Add the flour, sugar and salt to a large bowl. Mix well.

SweetWorks, dough for Vanilla Caramel Shortbread Tart, #SweetWorksAutumn, #sponsored
Cut in the butter with a pastry blender or two butter knives. It will be very crumbly
When the mixture holds together when you squeeze it you are ready to add it to the pan. If it does not hold together add more butter a half teaspoon at a time.
Gently press the dough together into a ball and then press the ball into the prepared pan. Even it out as best you can. I used a small tart rolling pin. If you need to spread a little flour on top to allow for ease of use that is fine.
Make sure you press some dough up the sides of the pan.

SweetWorks, dough in pan for Vanilla Caramel Shortbread Tart, #SweetWorksAutumn, #sponsored
Prick the dough with a fork.
Bake in the preheated oven for 25 – 30 minutes until it is just set and slightly browned at the edges.
Remove the tart base from the oven and let cool.
Remove from the pan and the foil/parchment and let cool completely.
Complete the dessert:

SweetWorks, add caramel to shortbread crust, #SweetWorksAutumn, #sponsored
Carefully pour the vanilla caramel over the top of the shortbread base.
Allow to set in the refrigerator for at least half an hour.

SweetWorks, Vanilla Caramel Shortbread Tart, #SweetWorksAutumn, #sponsored
Decorate with the Sixlets in any pattern that pleases you.

SweetWorks, Vanilla Caramel Shortbread Tart, #SweetWorksAutumn, #sponsored


I let the tart sit in the ‘fridge overnight before I cut it but I think a couple of hours would be more than sufficient. It cut beautifully which made me very happy. The tart made me happy too! The classic shortbread crust was a perfect foil for the sweet vanilla caramel. The crunchy Sixlets added the perfect bit of richness and chocolately goodness. This was a lovely dessert and you don’t need a big piece to satisfy.

Thanks SweetWorks for the inspiration for a delicious Fall treat!

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