Chocolate Cheesecake Cookies

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The hubby had a meeting and he needed to take a snack so guess who did the work? Not that I ever mind baking – I love to spend time in the kitchen. I’d been eyeing up this chocolate cheesecake cookies recipe from my Martha Stewart Cookies cookbook for a while and I figured this would be a good time to try it out.

Of course I didn’t follow the directions….I thought they’d look prettier with different berries on top than just all strawberries. Wouldn’t these be perfect for Memorial Day or July 4th? The pictures reflect the fact that I doubled the recipe so keep that in mind.

Chocolate Cheesecake Cookies

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Chocolate Cheesecake Cookies

Makes 30

3/4 cup all purpose flour
1/4 cup cocoa powder
1/4 tsp salt
2 ounces semi sweet chocolate, chopped
1/2 cup unsalted butter, at room temperature
1/4 cup plus 6 1/2 tsp granulated sugar
1 large egg yolk
1/2 tsp pure vanilla extract
4 oz cream cheese, at room temperature
2 TBS confectioner’s sugar
4 oz strawberries (about 6 medium) finely diced I used half the amount of strawberries and some whole blueberries

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Place chocolate in a heatproof bowl over simmering water until it melts. Set aside to cool.

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Sift together the flour, cocoa and salt in a medium bowl.
In a mixer fitted with the paddle cream the butter and 1/4 cup of sugar until light and fluffy.
Mix in the egg yolk, vanilla and melted chocolate.
Reduce the speed to low and add the flour mixture just until blended.
Cover and refrigerate for at least an hour.
Preheat oven to 350°
Place the remaining granulated sugar in a bowl.

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Form 3/4″ dough balls and roll in the sugar.

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Space 1″ apart on baking sheets lined with parchment (I use silicone mats)
Carefully press the dough balls with your thumb to make an indentation.
Bake 10 minutes and gently press centers down with the end of a wooden spoon.
Bake until slightly cracked and set, about 5 minutes more.

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Cool completely on a wire rack.
Baked shells can be kept in an airtight container for three days or frozen for longer
Make The Cream Cheese Filling and Top:
Stir the cream cheese and confectioner’s sugar together in a bowl
Finely dice the strawberries and have any other berry or fruit you might be using ready.

Fill the cookies with sweetened cream cheese and top with the fruit.

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How Were the Chocolate Cheesecake Cookies?

These cookies were a big hit at his meeting. Nary a one came home. That is always a good sign if you ask me. I can imagine these would be delicious with any fresh fruit on top and the colors of those fruits can drive the color scheme. Imagine kiwi fruit and mandarin oranges, or cherries and blackberries.  All of these chocolate cheesecake cookies combinations would be delicious. These make great party cookies much like Macarons. Linzer Tarts or Glazed Lemon Tea Cookies.

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I kept a few back for myself, ah-hem Wouldn’t you? I figured why should everyone at the meeting have all the fun.

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