Chocolate Mousse Filled Cupcake Recipe

mousse filled cupcakes

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I was looking through old recipes and thought this one needed to be brought into the 2020s. It was a while ago that I made these as a treat for the husband to take to a meeting but I realize that they would make a delicious holiday dessert too. They are special enough for a Thanksgiving buffet or for a Christmas brunch dessert. Heck, this mousse filled cupcake recipe would be good anytime! Who doesn’t love a rich, chocolatey cupcake filled with a light airy mousse that is then topped with a heavenly frosting? I’d be first in line!

 The final recipe is a mash up of several from different sources and then mixed up again so I think I can call it my own at this point.  They taste like hot chocolate with marshmallows but in cupcake form so I  think I came up with a winning combination.

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mousse filled cupcakes


Chocolate Mousse Filled Cupcake Recipe

Makes 36

For the Chocolate Mousse:
5 1/4 oz chocolate chips
1 cup heavy cream
4 large egg whites
1 oz sugar
pinch of salt

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For the Cupcakes: 
1 1/2 cups unsalted butter, softened
1 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
1 cup boiling water
1 cup sour cream or yogurt
3 cups all purpose flour
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
3/4 tsp salt
2 1/4 cups sugar
4 large eggs
1 TBS + 1 tsp pure vanilla extract

For the Frosting: 
1 1/2 cups sugar
5 large egg whites
1 TBS light corn syrup
2 tsp pure vanilla extract
pinch of salt

Make the Mousse:

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In a double boiler over simmering water melt chocolate chips.
Scrape the chocolate into a large bowl and set aside.
Whip the heavy cream to soft peaks. Set aside.
Add the eggs to a stand mixer with the whisk attached. Starting on medium whisk the whites until foamy then add the sugar.
Turn the mixer to high and beat until the whites reach firm peaks.

Add the whites to the chocolate in a bowl and whisk them in until incorporated completely.

Add the whipped cream and fold in until completely combined.

Refrigerate until ready to use.

See video below

Make the Cupcakes:
Preheat the oven to 350°
Prepare cupcake pans by adding cupcake liners and spraying with cooking spray.
Add the boiling water to the cocoa powder and mix well until there are no lumps.
Add the sour cream or yogurt and vanilla to the cocoa mixture and mix well. Set aside.
Whisk together the flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt in a large bowl. Set aside
In a stand mixer with the paddle attached cream the butter and sugar until light and fluffy.

My eggs gave me a chuckle when one yolk broke

Add the eggs, one at a time, mixing well after each one. Scrape down the batter in the bowl as needed.
Add the flour mixture – in thirds – alternating with the cocoa mixture – half at a time – beginning and ending with the flour mixture.


You will have a rich, thick batter.
Add the batter to the prepared pans – I used a large scoop and it was the perfect measure. The cups should be 2/3rds full.
Bake in the preheated oven for about 18 minutes until a toothpick comes out clean.
Cool on a rack.


Make the Frosting:

Add the sugar, egg whites and corn syrup to the mixing bowl of stand mixer and mix well.
Using the bowl like a double boiler hold it over simmering water and let the mixture slowly heat until the sugar melts.
Keep stirring and when the mixture feels completely smooth between your fingers take the bowl to your mixer, attach the whisk and turn it on high.
Let it whip for around 7 minutes until light and fluffy.

Now, as to this recipe for 7 minute frosting – it was the first time I had tried it this way. I was very intrigued by the methodology because it was so much easier than the way I usually make it and  was excited. I followed the directions, I rubbed the mixture between my fingers and it was smooth, yet my frosting didn’t fluff. It tasted very good but it was more marshmallow cream than it was marshmallow frosting. I will try this way once more but if I get the same result I will go back to the traditional method.

Put mousse filled cupcake recipe all together:
Using an apple corer or small knife cut a hole in each cupcake.
Add the mouse to a frosting bag fitted with a plain tip or you can use a freezer bag and cut a hole in the bottom.
Fill each cupcake being sure to make sure the hole is well filled.
Scrape the top so it is even with the top of the cupcake.
Frost the cupcake.

I made a video on just how easy it is to fill the cupcakes. If you can’t see it here you can watch it on YouTube HERE



After I frosted them all I sprinkled a little bit of edible glitter on them to give them a little bit of decoration. I thought adding sanding sugar would just be too sweet. 


How Was the Mousse Filled Cupcake Recipe?

This was a delicious filled cupcake recipe. The chocolatey cake, the light, airy mousse and the marshmallow frosting. The only thing that would have made them better would have been if the frosting had been the fluffy stuff I usually make. I cut one open so you could see what they were like inside. Obviously this is a concept I will be having a lot of fun with – who knows what else I can stuff in a cupcake. 

What would you stuff in a cupcake? How about jam? or Marshmallow filling? There are so many possibilities and flavor combinations. Just think of the fun you could have with a filled cupcake recipe taste testing.



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