Crispy Air Fryer Fried Chicken

air fryer chicken

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I have long wanted an air fryer. They have intrigued me since they first started appearing. I love fried food so any way to enjoy that crispy goodness with out all of the oil and fat is A-OK with me. The hubby had been researching different machines to get me one for Christmas but then I was very lucky! I won one from I Am the Maven. Admittedly, I worked hard to win it! Soon I had a beautiful New Air Power XL Pro in my kitchen. I just had to start using it. What I wanted to make most was crispy air fryer fried chicken so that was the first thing I attempted. Nothing fancy or complicated but it was juicy and flavorful.

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crispy air fryer fried chicken

Crispy Air Fryer Fried Chicken

Serves 4

  • 8 chicken drumsticks
  • 1/2 cup sour cream
  • 1 cup milk
  • 2 eggs mixed with a splash of water
  • 1/2 cup all purpose flour
  • 2 tsp garlic powder
  • 2 tsp onion powder
  • 2 tsp paprika
  • 2 tsp salt
  • 2 tsp dried thyme
  • 1 cup panko bread crumbs
  • cooking spray

marinate the chicken legs

  • Mix the sour cream and milk together in a baking dish. Place the chicken legs in the dish to marinate for half and hour – turn every ten minutes.

breading station

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  • Set up a breading station; whisk the eggs and water together in a bowl or baking dish,  on a plate mix together the flour, garlic powder, onion powder, paprika, salt and thyme. Place the panko on another plate.
  • Take one chicken leg at a time from the sour cream/milk mixture and  place it in the flour. Roll to coat. Add it to the egg mixture, then roll in the panko.

spray with cooking spray

  • Repeat with the rest of the chicken legs. Spray with cooking spray if desired.

put chicken in air fryer


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  • Place the chicken on the racks in your air fryer so there is room between the pieces.

cook chicken

  • Cook per the directions on your air fryer turning once during cooking.

How Was the Crispy Air Fryer Fried Chicken?

This was the very first thing I made in my new air fryer and I was so happy with how it came out! The chicken was crunchy on the outside and nice and juicy on the inside. I was also working for the first time with the Organic Chicken Bundle I had ordered from Perdue Farms. I was very impressed with the service from the company and the quality of the chicken I received. I’ve since ordered another box with more organic chicken and some pork.

If you are looking for good quality organic chicken Perdue Farms has it and the prices are equivilent to what I was paying at our natural food store.

I have since made crispy eggplant and salmon for the hubby in the air fryer. There are so many other recipes that I am looking forward to trying. To help me learn more about cooking this way I ordered an air fryer cookbook from America’s Test Kitchen.

I would like to note that I am very happy with the air fryer itself. It also has a rotisserie that intrigued me to no end. I was finally able to use that function this past weekend. The hubby and I went shopping and I bought a cornish game hen. I just put a little salt, garlic powder and olive oil on it and let that baby spin. We both agree that it was the best game hen we have had in a long, long time. Perfectly cooked and really juicy. I can’t wait to try a chicken! I wonder how it will compare to roast chicken.

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