The Best, Easy Fried Green Tomatoes with Sauce

easy fried green tomatoes, best fried green tomatoes, fried green tomatoes sauce,

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One of my favorite end of summer meals is fried green tomatoes. At least for me they are and end of summer meal. We never get red tomatoes on the vine here – the hubby waits until he knows a hard frost is coming and he pulls the tomatoes off green, puts them in boxes in the basement and they ripen there. It works just fine for us and we still get to have tomatoes and the things I can make with them. But before I get red tomatoes and start making things like ketchup and pizza sauce I like to make this easy fried green tomatoes dinner. I am sure there will be some southern cooks who think I am a little bold calling mine the best fried green tomatoes recipe but we are all entitled to our opinion, right?

All I can write it try it and let me know!

easy fried green tomatoes, best fried green tomatoes, fried green tomatoes sauce,

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Easy Fried Green Tomatoes with Sauce

Serves 2

  • 4 large, green tomatoes
  • 1/2 cup corn meal
  • 1/4 cup all purpose flour
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1/2 cup vegetable oil
  • 1/2 cup mayonnaise
  • 1/4 cup ketchup
  • 1 TBS Worcestershire sauce
  • 1 TBS rice vinegar
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • Preheat oven to 250°
  • Set a small cookie or baking sheet aside.
  • Stir the mayo, ketchup, Worcestershire, rice vinegar and 1/2 tsp salt together in a bowl. Split between two small bowls for serving.

easy fried green tomatoes, best fried green tomatoes, fried green tomatoes sauce,

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  • Mix the cornmeal, flour and salt together.
  • Slice the tomatoes about 1/4″ thick being sure to trim the top and bottom pieces off to remove the core.
  • Dredge the slices in the cornmeal mixture and set aside.

easy fried green tomatoes, best fried green tomatoes, fried green tomatoes sauce,

  • Heat the oil in a heavy fry pan, like a cast iron pan. When the oil is hot fry the slices for about 2 – 3 minutes per side until they are golden brown.

easy fried green tomatoes, best fried green tomatoes, fried green tomatoes sauce,

  • Remove the slices to the reserved baking sheet and keep warm in the preheated oven until all of the slices are fried.

How Were the Easy Fried Green Tomatoes?

I have learned with fried green tomatoes that people either love them or hate them. Here we love them. I look forward to having them a couple of times each summer. This year to be honest, I almost forgot about them! Then the hubby started pulling the tomatoes in and I (thankfully) remembered.

easy fried green tomatoes, best fried green tomatoes, fried green tomatoes sauce,

I served them one night with a side of Jasmine rice and a last cucumber of the season salad. We had them again a few nights later and I just made a big side salad. There does tend to be a little sauce leftover and it works really well as a salad dressing for the next night.

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