Easy Peach Turnovers – Recipe

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The Food Blogger’s Challenge food this week is peaches.
I ADORE peaches; they are one of my favorite summer fruits.
My all time favorite pie is peach and I’ll be showing a pie in another post but for today I want to show you a very, very easy way to make tasty peach turnovers.

Easy Peach Turnovers


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1 package frozen puff pastry dough like Pepperidge Farm
4 -5 ripe peaches, pitted, peeled and sliced thinly
1/2 cup sugar, divided
1 TBSP all purpose flour
1 tsp fresh lemon juice
egg wash (1 egg mixed with 1 tsp water)

Vanilla ice cream

Makes 8

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Take the puff pastry sheets out of the freezer and let thaw on your counter per package instructions.

The box said 40 minutes but in the heat of this summer they took about 15.
Preheat oven to 450°

While the pastry is thawing pit, peel and slice your peaches. They will be easier to peel if you put them in boiling water for about a minute and a half. Then drop them in cold water. The peels should slip right off.

Mix the sliced peaches with half of the sugar, the lemon juice and the flour. Set aside.

Using the remaining sugar sprinkle about a quarter of it on each side of the pastry sheets and roll them gently with a rolling pin to incorporate the sugar. Cut them in quarters.

Place about a quarter of a cup of the peach mixture in the middle of the pastry.

Fold the pastry over from corner to corner and seal the edges with the tines of a fork.

Place on a heavy duty cookie sheet and brush with the egg wash. Sprinkle with additional sugar.

Bake in the preheated oven for about 8 – 10 minutes until golden brown. Remove to a cooling rack. (Your eyes are not deceiving you. I made a couple of blueberry turnovers for the hubby. He does not like peaches.)

I served the turnovers with some homemade goat’s milk vanilla ice cream.

Mmmmm, is all I have to say.

Be sure to check out what delicious peach treats the Food Bloggers have come up with this week!

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