Leftover Rice Recipe – Rice with Dried Cranberries and Pistachios

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Any time I make rice I try and make extra so that I have leftovers for fried rice or another leftover rice recipe.  The other night I put together a tasty combination and found that the leftovers made a very tasty lunch. Like risotto, I find rice dinners to be very satisfying.

I have found that ever since I got my electric pressure cooker I have made much better rice. I always make extra so I have it to make dishes like the one below or fried rice. It allows for an easy meal later in the week.

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leftover rice recipe

Rice with Dried Cranberries and Pistachios

Serves 4 – 6

4 cups cooked white rice such as Jasmine
1 cup dried cranberries
1 cup shelled pistachios
1 orange, preferably organic
1 TBS rice vinegar
salt to taste

Zest the orange. Set aside
Juice the orange, set aside

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Mix the rice, cranberries and most of the pistachios in a large bowl. Hold about a tablespoon of pistachios aside to sprinkle on top. Mix well
Add the zest and rice vinegar to the fresh orange juice add salt to taste.
Add the dressing to the rice mixture and adjust taste.

To serve; add rice mixture to a bowl and sprinkle remaining pistachios on top


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How Was the Leftover Rice Recipe?

This is a really good rice recipe. The orange dressing brings out the flavor of the cranberries. The earthy pistachios are the perfect foil for the fruity tart/sweet flavors and they add a nice bit of crunch. Each bite is a joy. As I noted I ate the leftovers for lunch. It’s good warmed up or just at room temperature. Toss in a little chicken or shrimp and you have a complete meal!


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