Homemade Granola Recipe – Maple Honey Granola

Maple Honey Granola, homemade granola recipe, homemade granola

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I don’t make breakfast. In fact I have never cooked breakfast. I told the hubby before we got married that I didn’t do breakfast. Once in a blue moon I’ll do a brunch but I just do first thing in the morning food. So he takes care of his meal in the morning. He rotates three things; waffles, eggs and cereal.  I do try and make it easy for him. I make him Belgian waffles in bulk that I then freeze so he just has to pull one out when he needs one. For egg day he just scrambles them up with some dried tomatoes and dried mushrooms. Thanks to my homemade granola recipe cereal day is easy and delicious

I’ve been playing with the recipe I use for a while and I finally have it in a place where I’m really happy with it. The original came from Fine Cooking Magazine but it’s changed quite a bit from the original at this point. It also serves as a good base recipe because I also add whatever I happen to have on hand when it comes to the nuts and dried fruit. I love recipes that are easily adapted like that.

This granola also makes a delicious snack. Don’t ask me how I know that.

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Maple Honey Granola, homemade granola recipe, homemade granola

Homemade Maple Honey Granola

9 cups rolled oats
1 cup canola oil
3/4 cup honey
1/2 cup pure maple syrup
1 cup brown sugar
3 cups assorted nuts
1 1/2 cups dried cranberries or raisins
2 TBS cinnamon
1 TBS pure vanilla extract
1 tsp salt

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Preheat oven to 350°

Maple Honey Granola, homemade granola recipe, homemade granola, making homemade granola
Spread the oats over two heavy duty baking sheets
Bake in the preheated oven for 10 minutes.

Maple Honey Granola, homemade granola recipe, homemade granola, making homemade granola
While the oats are baking add the canola oil, honey, maple syrup, vanilla and salt to a medium saucepan. Heat until it just starts to bubble around the edges.

Maple Honey Granola, homemade granola recipe, homemade granola, making homemade granola
When the oats are finished remove to a large bowl. Add the nuts, dried cranberries, brown sugar, and cinnamon.

Maple Honey Granola, homemade granola recipe, homemade granola, making homemade granola
Mix well breaking up any clumps of dried fruit.

Maple Honey Granola, homemade granola recipe, homemade granola, making homemade granola
Add the liquid ingredients and stir. Be sure you mix thoroughly.

Maple Honey Granola, homemade granola recipe, homemade granola, making homemade granola
Return the mixture to the two baking sheets, spreading evenly.
Bake for 7 minutes then rotate the sheets and bake for another 7 minutes

Maple Honey Granola, homemade granola recipe, homemade granola, making homemade granola
Take the baking sheets from the oven and let cool completely.

Maple Honey Granola, homemade granola recipe, homemade granola, making homemade granola
Use a spatula to break up the granola to remove it from the baking sheets.

Maple Honey Granola, homemade granola recipe, homemade granola,
Break the big pieces up into smaller pieces and place into an airtight container for storage.

I can’t tell you how long this will last in its airtight container because it never lasts long. I eat it as a bedtime snack, he has it for his cereal breakfast and he also snacks on it. It’s really tasty!

Maple Honey Granola, homemade granola recipe, homemade granola, making homemade granola, homemade granola for breakfast

I’ve had it with milk and it is quite yummy. It holds up well to being drenched with a liquid and the creamy milk adds another delicious dimension to the granola.

When I made this batch I happened to have walnuts, peanuts and almonds on hand but I’ve made it with cashews, pumpkin seeds and pistachios. It really does lend itself to improvisation.


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