Kale Recipe: Kale Wraps with Apples, Onions, Peppers and Beef

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I will be the first one to admit that I am not overly fond of a lot of vegetables. I love broccoli, cauliflower, zucchini and some others but I can be a bit of a pain when it comes to the things that are good for me. A kale recipe is not one I am going to make for myself.

The husband on the other fork enjoys pretty much anything. Sometimes he grumbles about how much broccoli we eat but he is really pretty good about my limited veggie options at dinner. So to keep him happy I will surprise him and make him things like the recipe below for kale wraps with apples, onions peppers and beef.

In addition to my not caring for many of the components I am highly allergic to peppers – just being the room when hot peppers are cut open can cause me to have trouble breathing. I have to be really careful when I make him dinners with them included but he loves them and I love him.

Regular green peppers are OK as long as I don’t have to cut them. We tend to have them all cut up in the freezer as he adds them to his eggs on the mornings he has them for breakfast. So this is great for me – when they are frozen they don’t bother me as much and I can cook them for him for dinner. A win for him! He enjoyed this kale recipe that I made for him one night.


kale wraps with onions, apples, peppers and beef

Kale Wraps with Apples, Peppers, Onions and Beef

Serves 2

6 oz lean, cooked beef, cut into strips
14 oz sliced onions and peppers
6 large kale leaves
2 small apples, cored and julienned, a few pieces reserved for garnish
salt and pepper to taste
6 TBS blueberry balsamic vinegar

  • Add the onions to a non-stick fry pan with a sprinkling of salt and pepper.
  • Add 1 TBS of the blueberry balsamic. (If you don’t have the flavored vinegar a regular balsamic will work just as well.) If it seems dry add a bit of water.
  • After the onions have gotten quite soft and picked up a bit of color add in the peppers. Cook until they are warmed through but still a bit crisp. About 10 minutes.
  • Trim the kale leaves and chop the cores and add to the pan to heat through.
  • Add the cooked beef and heat until warmed. Toss in the apple pieces and mix.


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preparing the kale wraps

  • Divide the mixture between the three kale leaves and roll as tightly as you can. Don’t worry if some falls out of the ends – you can stuff it back in.

kale wraps with veggies and beef

  • Cut the wraps in half and arrange on a plate.
  • Take the remaining apple slices  and divide between the two plates.
  • Drizzle each with  2 TBS balsamic vinegar.

close up of kale wraps

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How Was the Kale Recipe?

The husband really enjoyed these when I made them for him. He loved the crunch of the apple and earthiness of the kale. The beef fulfilled his protein needs while he was on his weight loss journey and he was quite satisfied at the end of the meal.

He is a big fan of vinegar as a flavor agent so I knew I would have a winner when I chose to use the blueberry balsamic as the driver in this dish. As I mentioned in the recipe note, if you are not looking for a super low calorie dish by all means add some olive oil to the dressing to get a good fat into the meal.

This was a relatively easy dish to put together and it has so many components that vegetable lovers enjoy with the beef to help meet protein needs. Of course one could also use honey roasted peanuts or cheese to do that as well and I suspect either one would be tasty in this dish.



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