Lobster Dinner – A Delicious Yet Simple Lobster Recipe

lobster-tail, lobster dinner, Lobster en Papillote with Ginger Orange Butter

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Any time I want to make a celebration dinner I think of lobster. There is just something special about serving it at home and I would eat it more often but for the cost. This special meal was a gift from Anderson Seafoods – I’ve written about them before and the quality of their seafood is extraordinary..  It had been several years since I had enjoyed a lobster dinner and the jumbo tails the company sent to me were exceptional  – just look at them:

lobster-tail, lobster dinner, Lobster en Papillote with Ginger Orange Butter

How Should I Cook My Lobster Dinner?

I had never seen lobster tails this big. Each one was 8 ounces! That’s a lot of lobster! I had pulled them from the freezer the day before to thaw overnight in the ‘fridge.  Since I had never been lucky enough to have lobster tails this large I wasn’t completely sure how to cook them without drying them out so I ruminated a bit and it came to me – en papillote! Steaming would let them cook with moisture and it’s a lot gentler than boiling would have been. The last time I cooked lobster the tails were half the size and I broiled them; I feared that if I tried to broil these they would be dry on the outside and still raw in the inside. Turns out, as you will see that my instincts were right and this simple lobster dinner worked out beautifully.

lobster-tails-en-papillote, lobster-tail, lobster dinner, Lobster en Papillote with Ginger Orange Butter

Lobster Tails en Papillote with Ginger Orange Butter

Serves 2

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2 8 oz lobster tails
1/2 cup orange juice
1/4 cup water
1/4 sherry
parchment paper

For the Butter:
1 stick butter
1 TBS sherry
1 two inch piece of ginger cut into slices
zest of one orange
1/2 tsp marjoram
1 tsp salt

Preheat oven to 350°

ginger-orange-butter, lobster-tail, lobster dinner, Lobster en Papillote with Ginger Orange Butter
Melt the butter in a saucepan. Add the ginger slices, orange zest and marjoram. Let it simmer. Add the salt. Taste. If it needs more salt adjust accordingly. Set aside.
Cut two large sheets of parchment paper.
Mix together the orange juice, water and sherry.

lobster-on-parchment, lobster-tail, lobster dinner, Lobster en Papillote with Ginger Orange Butter
Place one thawed lobster tail in the center of a piece of parchment. Fold over the edges to seal in the tail making a half circle shaped package.
Before you seal it completely pour in half of the orange juice mixture. Fold over the final piece of parchment and make sure it is sealed so no liquid or steam escapes.

lobster-en-papillote, lobster-tail, lobster dinner, Lobster en Papillote with Ginger Orange Butter
Place the two sealed packets on a baking sheet and bake for 20 minutes in the preheated oven.
While the lobster is steaming re-warm the butter. Just before serving remove the ginger slices.
When you open the packets be very careful – they have been steaming and it will be hot.

lobster-dinner, lobster-tail, lobster dinner, Lobster en Papillote with Ginger Orange Butter

I served it for the hubby with some Jasmine rice and an apple, raisin and pickled beet salad. I also made another dipping sauce for him with a good quality olive oil and garlic. He loves garlic.

How Was the Lobster Dinner?

The lobster was cooked perfectly in the parchment packets – still moist and the ginger orange butter was a perfect accompaniment. It added a little sweet and a little heat! The quality of the lobster was extraordinary but I wouldn’t expect anything else from Anderson Seafoods!


For dessert I made a dark chocolate mousse with raspberry syrup and a white chocolate sauce. It was a perfect end to a celebration dinner.

If you decide to purchase from Anderson Seafoods I would appreciate it if you used my affiliate link – if you do I receive a small commission.

Other Lobster Dinner Recipes:

Lobster Pesto Risotto

Lobster in Orange Sauce with Pomegranates

Lobster on Risotto Cakes with Bearnaise Sauce

All purchase links are affiliate links which means if you buy anything through them I will receive a small commission (at not additional cost to you)


Serves 2


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