Pastry Recipe – Blackberry Vanilla Couronne

pastry recipe, blackberry vanilla couronne

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It is a challenging time in the country right now. I cannot say that I have any answers. Everyone is looking for a little bit of normal in the midst of chaos. For me that is baking; I find that being in the kitchen is very soothing. Follow some steps and a soon there is a sweet treat. Baking never fails me – for whatever reason it has never been a frustration or a trial – except for meringue. Meringues and I don’t always get along but that is neither here nor there in regards to today’s baking which is a pastry recipe. Others are finding their solace in knitting or painting or quilting – those pursuits would only increase my stress.

We all find our path.

With that in mind I set about spending some time in my kitchen over the last week to help settle my mind and my soul for that matter; I made a Strawberry Buckle and the Strawberry Rhubarb Custard Tart for the Great British Bake Off Bakealong. Today I sought out a recipe to make use of some blackberries and I turned to one of my favorites, a couronne. The first one I made was an Apricot Couronne and it was heavenly. Today’s recipe is a Blackberry Vanilla Couronne and I do believe this is the best one yet.


pastry recipe, blackberry vanilla couronne

Pastry Recipe – Blackberry Vanilla Couronne

Serves 10 – 12

For the Pastry

  • 9 oz bread flour (around 2 cups)
  • 1 tsp salt
  • heaping tablespoon active dry yeast (1/3 oz)
  • 3 1/2 TBS butter at room temperature
  • 1/2 cup less 1 TBS milk
  • 1 large egg, lightly beaten

For the Filling

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For the Glaze and Topping

  • 1/4 cup apricot jam
  • 1/4 cup powdered sugar
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla bean powder or vanilla bean paste
  • 1 TBS water OR if not using the vanilla bean powder or paste you can use vanilla extract
  • 2 TBS toasted whole almonds, roughly chopped

Make the Dough:

  • Add the flour to the bowl of your stand mixer. Mix in the yeast, butter, egg, salt and milk. It will make a soft dough. (A note – a kitchen scale makes baking more precise)
  • Add the dough hook and knead for about 10 minutes or if you prefer knead by hand until you have a soft, silky dough.

pastry recipe - let dough rise

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  • Place the dough in a greased bowl and cover to let rise for an hour or until doubled in size
  • While the dough is rising, make the filling:
  • Beat the butter, salt and sugar in the raw together until smooth.
  • Cut the blackberries in half lengthwise
  • Like a baking tray with parchment paper or silicone

roll out and fill dough for pastry recipe

    • When the dough is done it’s first rise, turn it out onto a lightly floured counter
    • Roll it out to a 13 x 10″ rectangle
    • Add the sugar mixture and spread to just about the edges
    • Place the blackberries, cut side down, in rows to cover the surface.
    • With the wide edge facing you, tightly roll the dough up like a jelly roll.
    • Pinch the edge to close and roll it to seal.
    • Cut the dough all the way through, keeping it intact for just a little bit at the top
    • Twist the two pieces together, like a two part braid and then bring the ends together to form a circle (like a crown) pinch the two ends together gently to seal.


  • Carefully place the dough on the prepared baking sheet, cover (I used a linen towel) and let rise until doubled in size. About 30 – 45 min
  • Preheat oven to 400°

place twisted dough on baking sheet

  • Bake the couronne for 25 – 35 min until risen and golden brown. Turn halfway through baking
  • Cool on a wire rack
  • While the couronne is cooling heat the apricot jam with a splash of water. Using a pastry brush, brush the couranne with the jam to give it a nice shine.

blackberry vanilla couronne

  • Mix the confectioner’s sugar and vanilla powder or paste with the water to make an icing. (If using the vanilla extract use that.)  Drizzle it over the couronne and then sprinkle with the chopped almonds
  • Let fully cool before serving

How Was the Pastry Recipe?

This is my fourth flavor combination for a couronne. After the apricot I made a Strawberry Pear. The other was a savory pastry – Goat Cheese, Bacon and Sundried Tomatoes. We both agree that this one was the best one yet – it was gone by the third day. I am not sure I should admit that but there it is.

slice of blackberry couronne

The pastry is light, the blackberries are flavor forward and the vanilla flavor shines. It was even better on the second day. If you don’t care for vanilla there is no reason you could not just omit the extra vanilla flavoring and go with a blackberry couronne. It would be just as delightful. But for people who love vanilla as I do – go for it. The flavor really complements the berries and it makes for a wonderful pastry recipe. That’s what I love about the vanilla powder – it gives a big punch of flavor without the expense.

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