Risotto Recipe: Chicken and Corn Risotto

chicken and corn risotto

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I will be the first to admit that I love corn. Summer is such a celebration of it. Right now cooking is a bit of a trial as I don’t have a real kitchen and I don’t have many pots, pans or well anything that goes in a normal kitchen. Moving is a challenge as I am sure many of you have experienced. Last night was the first night since we closed on the new house that I actually cooked a real meal in my new kitchen. It wasn’t anything fancy but it was tasty. I went with something we both love -a risotto recipe. It’s a classic for sure and something I make quite often truth be told as it is relatively easy and can be customized in many ways. I scaled down the ingredients so this risotto recipe will serve two! I know that is very unusual and it worked well in this situation as I just don’t have the room for leftovers right now.

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chicken and corn risotto

Risotto Recipe:  Chicken and Corn Risotto

Serves 2, can be doubled

  • 1 cup arborio rice
  • 1/2 cup white wine
  • 3 1/2 – 4 cups chicken broth
  • 1/2 lb chicken strips
  • 2 TBS olive oil, divided
  • 2 ears of corn on the cob
  • 1/2 cup shredded cheddar cheese
  • salt to taste
  • 1 tsp butter

corn, chicken, cheese

  • Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil. As the water is coming to a boil, peel the corn. 
  • When boiling drop in the ears of corn and let boil for five minutes and then run under cold water. Keep a cup of the corn water for the risotto.
  • Alternatively, place stripped ears in a small microwave safe baking dish with about a half cup of water. Microwave on high for two minutes. Let cool.
  • Cut the kernels off of the cob and set aside.
  • Heat a small fry pan over medium high heat. Add about 1 TBS olive oil.
  • Add the chicken strips and sprinkle generously with salt. Pan fry until they are cooked through. Remove to a cutting board and cut into bite sized pieces.
  • Heat a large pan over medium heat (or do what I did as I don’t have so many pots right now and use the one you used to cook the corn). Add 1 TBS olive oil. Stir in the rice to coat. Heat the rice through then add the white wine.
  • Heat the chicken broth in a small pot and keep it warm
  • Stir until the rice absorbs most of the wine. 
  • Add the chicken broth, a cup at a time, stirring constantly until it is absorbed by the rice. When there is about 1 cup left add the corn and cheese to the risotto and stir to combine.

add chicken, corn and cheese

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  • Stir in the last of the chicken broth and when it is just about absorbed add in the chicken pieces and heat through.
  • If the risotto looks dry pour in some of the corn water and stir until it is creamy.
  • Finish with a tsp of butter.
  • Taste and add salt if needed.

How Was the Risotto Recipe?

This meal just hit the spot on the comfort food meter for me. It was just what I needed after a somewhat frustrating day. I don’t have a lot to work with in the kitchen of my new house – ingredient wise or pot and pan wise so risotto was a great meal to cook. It’s simple yet delicious and filling so we were both happy with it. The corn was delightfully sweet and it paired so very well with the simple chicken and rice. Both of us enjoyed the meal and since I pared down the recipe there are no leftovers and I don’t have to worry about storage issues. Yay! I served it with a simple green salad and it made for a wonderful dinner.

If you would like to make this for the family it can easily be scaled up by just doubling everything. Of course with risotto it’s all about how much liquid the rice grains will accept so with two cups of rice that’s generally around 5 – 6 cups of liquid. But I’ve had risotto get futsy on me so always just play it by ear.

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