Salmon with Fig Balsamic and Blackberry Sauce on Brown Rice

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I received samples from Devo Olive Oil. This post contains an affiliate link.

In my never ending quest to feed the hubby yummy meals on the nights he is eating light I continue to turn to the delicious flavored vinegars from Devo Olive Oil.  I am very fortunate in that he loves vinegar and that he enjoys my experimentations in the kitchen. Trying to pull together a tasty meal in under 350 calories can be a little daunting for a cook who loves using olive oil!

This night I turned to one of his favorite proteins, salmon and made a flavorful sauce to go over it and the brown rice I served with it. Using blackberries gave him a boost of healthy fruits in his diet that day. I put some simple roasted green beans on the side and he had a meal that was delicious and satisfying all within my 350 calorie limit.

Note: This post may contain affiliate links, which means if you buy from my link I might make a small commission. This does not affect the price you pay. See the full affiliate disclosure here.

Salmon with Fig Balsamic and Blackberry Sauce on Brown Rice


Serves 1

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3.5 oz salmon
1 cup blackberries, divided
2 TBS Fig Balsamic Vinegar
1 tsp freshly grated ginger root
salt and pepper

1/2 cup prepared brown rice
3.5 oz green beans, roasted with salt and pepper

I roast my vegetables in a 350° oven with salt and pepper for about 30 minutes.

In a small sauce pan add half of the blackberries, the fig balsamic and the grated ginger root. Let it cook just until the blackberries soften and release their juice. If it gets too dry you can add a bit of water. Just before serving add the additional half cup of blackberries to just warm through.

While the sauce is cooking heat a not stick pan over med-high heat. Sprinkle salt and pepper over the salmon. Add it to the pan and cook on each side for about 2 – 4 minutes depending on the thickness of your steak. (the piece you see is larger than 3.5 oz. I used the leftover amount for another purpose.)

Make sure your brown rice is warm and top it with the cooked salmon and the sauce. Serve the beans on the side.

Hubby really enjoyed this one  – the heat from the ginger went well with the sweet blackberries and the fig balsamic added an additional layer of flavor. The salmon from Anderson Seafoods was perfection as usual!

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