Swamp JELL-O Treat For Halloween

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I still can’t believe that Halloween is just around the corner! I adore Halloween, heck I love any little holiday that allows you to create amazing food or decor for your friends and family. Today I wanted to share a super simple Halloween treat, Swamp Jell-o.


When I think of this swamp Jello I think of the “Swamp Thing” for some reason. LOL. I just think they are so stinking cute and perfect for any age when throwing a party to taking in treats for school parties.

How To Make Swamp JELL-O?

Like many of my little treats, I try to make things simple and easy to produce. These are as simple as it gets but you still have an amazing and different presentation on the beloved Jello treat.

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What you need:

  • 1 6-ounce package lime Jello
  • 1 package gummy worms
  • Whipped cream
  • Green sanding sugar
  • Small plastic cups

Prepare Jell-o according to package instructions. Pour ½ cup of mixture into each of the small plastic cups. Add gummy worms to the Jell-o.

Chill Jell-o for four hours.

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Top each Jell-o cup with whipped cream and green sanding sugar. Add a gummy worm on top.

That is it! These are so easy to make and one package of JELL-O will make 8 small cups. I do hope that you check out this little cute recipe and for more recipes head over to our recipe index. Happy creating.

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