Tomato Soup with Garlic Shrimp on Rice – Leftovers Dinner Recipe

leftovers dinner recipe, Tomato Soup with Garlic Shrimp on Rice

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It was one of those clean out the refrigerator nights and I found 3/4s of a jar of homemade tomato soup and some leftover jasmine rice. I didn’t want to just have tomato rice soup so I thought I’d dress it up a little with the addition of a bit of shrimp and an avocado. I must say that it turned into a very delicious leftovers dinner recipe. It could easily be made as a “first dinner” if you know what I mean and I am sure I’ll do just that in the future. It was really that good. And if you didn’t have shrimp, chicken would work just as well. You do have to love a delicious dinner for two.

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leftovers dinner recipe, Tomato Soup with Garlic Shrimp on Rice

Tomato Soup with Garlic Shrimp on Rice

Serves 2

3 cups tomato soup
1 1/2 cups cooked rice
1/2 pound shrimp
1 clove of garlic, minced
1 TSP fresh lemon juice
1/2 tsp salt
2 tsp olive oil
1 avocado
2 TBS sour cream (optional)

Cut the shrimp into bit sized pieces and add to a small bowl.
Add the olive oil and garlic. Stir and let sit for about 15 minutes.
Add the lemon juice, stir and let sit for 5 minutes.

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leftovers dinner recipe, Tomato Soup with Garlic Shrimp on Rice
Cut the avocado into small pieces
Heat a cast iron pan or other non reactive pan over medium heat.

leftovers dinner recipe, Tomato Soup with Garlic Shrimp on Rice
When the pan is hot add the shrimp in its marinade and the salt and cook until just done about 3 – 4 minutes.
Heat the soup in a saucepan and warm the rice in the microwave.

leftovers dinner recipe, Tomato Soup with Garlic Shrimp on Rice
To serve: put 3/4 cup of rice in a bowl

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leftovers dinner recipe, Tomato Soup with Garlic Shrimp on Rice
Add some soup around the rice – about a cup and a half
Top with half of the shrimp and half of the avocado.

leftovers dinner recipe, Tomato Soup with Garlic Shrimp on Rice
Top with sour cream if desired.

How Was the Leftovers Dinner?

Downright delicious if you ask me! I had made the tomato soup the night before from tomatoes I had put up last year so the soup was really flavorful and it was nothing but tomato, basil, oregano a little white wine and a bit of milk. The shrimp were sweet with that hit of garlicky goodness.

leftovers dinner recipe, Tomato Soup with Garlic Shrimp on Rice

The avocado added a rich creaminess and the sour cream was another layer of flavor. All in all a meal I’d be happy to eat again. Leftovers dinner night certainly can lead to a very yummy meal. I do love soup for dinner, how about you? Some of my favorites include Asian Shrimp and Vegetable Soup or if it’s a stormy night Cream of Broccoli and Cauliflower Soup is heavenly.



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