16 Over The Top Cupcake Recipes (That You Can Actually Create)

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One thing I love in life is a great Cupcake, and nothing can make these wonderful delights better than having an amazing “freakcupcake” or over the top cupcakes. Many of you might have heard of a freakshake, but there is such a thing as a freakcupcake. These are usually stunning when you see them, but most of them might be a bit too difficult to recreate even if people tell you how easy it is.

Below you will find 16 Amazing Recipes from bloggers around the net that I think are great examples of actual freakcupcakes you can make at home with ease.

1. Banana Split Cupcake

This has to be one of my favorite creations and something that my family really loves. This Banana Split Cupcake is perfect for the spring and summer bringing you amazing flavors.

2. Strawberry Lemonade Cupcakes In A Cone

This magical recipe from a Magical Mess is simply delightful and perfect for creating amazing cupcakes to entertain guests. This cupcake is super easy to recreate making it one of my favorites on this list.

3. Melting Ice Cream Cone Cupcake

Before I move onto other cupcakes I wanted to share with you one more cupcake creation that is simply beautiful and easy to create yourself. I adore using ice cream cones when creating recipes for the spring and summer as it gives them a fun feel and look.

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5. Cotton Candy Cupcakes

6. Kit Kat Cupcakes

One of my favorite sweets are Kit Kats and these Kit Kat cupcakes look super yummy! Not only that, if you read the recipe super simple to make. The would be perfect if you are planning a get-together or “indulge day”.

7. Pancake Cupcakes

These I must admit intrigue me! What a great and different idea! These Pancake Cupcakes are something that I actually will be trying really soon.

8. Sky-High Chocolate Salted Caramel Cupcakes

These chocolate salted caramel cupcakes look totally dreamy and something that everyone can recreate at home.

9. Double Chocolate Cupcakes with Salted Caramel Buttercream

10. Magical Toadstool Cupcakes

11. Chocolate Covered Bacon Cupcakes


13. Ice Cream Sundae Cupcakes

14. Trix Spring Flowers Cupcakes

15. Chocolate Covered Cherry Cupcakes

16. Unicorn Cupcakes

I do hope that you enjoyed this little roundup of amazing cupcakes. I think some of them are just so cute! Happy baking :)

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