Thanksgiving Quotes And Sayings

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Here are some thanksgiving quotes to use.

Thanksgiving is so much more than Turkey and good food. It is about being thankful for everything in your life. A wise person once told me to always be thankful even when it seems like there is nothing good going on in my life because It could be worse than it is.

I wish you a Happy Thanksgiving filled with joy and gratitude. Here are quotes for this day.

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Author’s pick

  1. “The best gift anyone can give, I believe, is the gift of sharing themselves.”_Oprah

Best Thanksgiving Quotes

2. “I am happy because I’m grateful. I choose to be grateful. That gratitude allows me to be happy.”_Will Arnett

3. “At some point in life the world’s beauty becomes enough. You don’t need to photograph, paint, or even remember it. It is enough.”_Toni Morrison

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4. “Some people are always grumbling because roses have thorns; I am thankful that thorns have roses.”_Alphonse Karr

5. “Give thanks not just on Thanksgiving Day, but every day of your life. Appreciate and never take for granted all that you have.”_Catherine Pulsifer

6. “We should certainly count our blessings, but we should also make our blessings count.”_Neal A. Maxwell

7. “Even in the trials of life, if we have eyes to see them, we can find good things everywhere we look.”_Joanna Gaines

8. “An attitude of gratitude goes a long way when it comes to physical and emotional healing.”_Jill Bolte Taylor

9. “Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough.”_Oprah Winfrey

10. “When I started counting my blessings, my whole life turned around.”_Willie Nelson

11. “The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched, they must be felt with the heart.”_Helen Keller

Thanksgiving for Friends Quotes.

12. “I awoke this morning with devout thanksgiving for my friends, the old and the new.”_Ralph Waldo Emerson

13. “When I count my blessings, I count you twice.”_Unknown

14. “Dear friend, thank you for standing by my side when times got hard, Thank you for making me laugh when I did not even want to smile.”_Unknown

15. “Happy Thanksgiving to my friends. On this day I think back to all the special times we have snared throughout the year. Thank you for being there for me, and thank you for being such a good friend.”_Unknown

16. “We must find time to stop and thank the people who make a difference in our lives.”_Unknown

17. “A best friend is someone who lets you have the last piece of the pumpkin pie.”_Unknown

18. “Thank you for the food before us, the friends beside us, and the love between us.”_Unknown

19. “As I take time to give thanks for the many blessings in my life, I want to let you know how grateful I am that you are on them.”_Unknown

20. “Some friendships become more beautiful over time. Thank you for the color you add to my life.”_Unknown

21. “A thought about Thanksgiving day: once there was this day when everyone realized they needed each other.”_Unknown

Thanksgiving Quotes For Family

22. “Today be thankful and remember how rich you are. Your family is priceless, your time is gold and your health is wealth.”_Unknown

23. “Thanksgiving is all about getting your entire dysfunctional family under the same roof and hoping the police don’t get called.”_Unknown

24. “My favorite thing about Thanksgiving is family.”_Unknown

26. “Thank you for the food that is before us, the shelter around us, the family beside us, and the love between us.”_Unknown

27. “Thanksgiving is the time of the year to count our blessings and come together with family and friends. I’m so grateful to count you among the special people in my life.”_Unknown

28. “I come from a family where gravy is considered a beverage.”_Unknown

29. “Happy Thanksgiving to anyone checking their phone in the bathroom to escape family.”_Unknown

30. “I like football. I find it’s an exciting strategic game. It’s a great way to avoid conversation with your family at Thanksgiving.”_ Craig Ferguson

31. “Drink and be thankful to the host! What seems insignificant when you have it, is important when you need it.”_Franz Grillparzer

Funny Thanksgiving Quotes

32. “Thanksgiving just gets me all warm and tingly and all kinds of wonderful inside.”_Willard Scott

33. “I celebrated Thanksgiving the old-fashioned way. I invited everyone in my neighborhood to my house, we had an enormous feast, and then I killed them and took their land.”_Jon Stewart

34. “Thanksgiving, man. Not a good day to be my pants.”_Kevin James

35. “May none of your real feelings slip out at Thanksgiving dinner.”_Unknown

36. “Hope you don’t mind that the side dish I’m bringing to Thanksgivingnis several bottles of wine that I’m not sharing with anyone else.”_Unknown

37. “This Thanksgiving, I hope you are able to avoid the tragedy of the different foods on your plate touching each other.”_Unknown.

38. “I am thankful I have a family who takes eating as seriously as I do.”_Unknown.

39. “The turkey. The sweet potatoes. The stuffing. The pumpkin pie. Is there anything else we all can agree so vehemently about? I don’t think so.”_Nora Ephron

40. “You can tell you ate too much for Thanksgiving when you have to let your bathrobe out.”_Jay Leno

41. “I’m from Canada, so Thanksgiving to me is just Thursday with more food. And I’m thankful for that..”_Howie Mandel

Happy Thanksgiving quotes

42. “It is not happy people who are thankful, It is thankful people who are happy.”_Unknown

43. “May your Thanksgiving be stuffed to the brim with happiness and love.”_Unknown

44. “Let us be grateful to the people who make us happy they are the charming Gardness who make our souls blossom.”_Unknown

45. “There is a calmness to a little life lived with gratitude a quiet joy.”_Unknown

46. “There is always something to be thankful for.”_Unknown

47. “Thanksgiving is one of my favorite days of the year because it reminds us to give thanks and to count our blessings. Suddenly, so many things become so little when we realize how blessed and lucky we are.”_Joyce Giraud

48. “Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it.“_William Arthur Ward

49. “Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, and confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.”_ Melody Beattie

50. “I awoke this morning with devout thanksgiving for my friends, the old and the new.”_ Ralph Waldo Emerson

51. “Thanksgiving is here, so live it up and be of good cheer, feast on goodies and have fun.”_unknown

Inspirational Thanksgiving quotes

52. “Gratitude is the inward feeling of kindness received. Thankfulness is the natural impulse to express that feeling. Thanksgiving is the following of that impulse.”_Henry Van Dyke

53. “We can always find something to be thankful for, no matter what may be the burden of our wants or the special subject of our petitions.”_Albert Barnes

54. “We should certainly count our blessings, but we should also make our blessings count.”_Neal A. Maxwell

55. “You shouldn’t allow people who hurt you to occupy a fraction of your heart. Forgive and move on, especially in this season of thanksgiving.”_Assegid Habtewold

56. “One of the most meaningful days of the year is Thanksgiving Day; a day full of gratitude and turkey surrounded by the love of family and friends.”_Unknown

57. “Simple blessings are all around us. Once we receive them with thanksgiving and appreciation, we experience true joy.”_Krystal Kuehn

58. “Don’t let autumn and its season of gratitude get lost in the blur of Christmas fanfare. Let Thanksgiving have its day and its attitude in your heart.”_Unknown

59. “On faith, I don’t know what tomorrow holds, but I know Who holds tomorrow, so I approach it with confidence and thanksgiving.”_Zig Ziglar

60. “Thanksgiving Day is the day that your kitchen is going to turn into the most wonderful beautiful place in the world.”_Polly Ann Lewis

61. “For those of you who cannot be with family this Thanksgiving, please resist the urge to brag.”_Andy Borowitz

Thankful Quotes

62. A thankful heart is a grateful heart.”_Unknown

63. “As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.”_John Fitzgerald Kennedy

64. “I would maintain that THANKS are the highest form of thought and that GRATITUDE is happiness doubled by wonder.”_G.K. Chesterton

65. “Gratitude can transform common days into thanksgivings, turn routine jobs into joy, and change ordinary opportunities into blessings.”_William Arthur Ward

66. “Gratitude is the inward feeling of kindness received. Thankfulness is the natural impulse to express that feeling. Thanksgiving is the following of that impulse.”_Henry Van Dyke

67. “If you want to turn your life around, try thankfulness. It will change your life mightily.”_Gerald Good

68. “Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more.”_Melody Beattie

69. “Gratitude is a quality similar to electricity: It must be produced and discharged and used up in order to exist at all.”_William Faulkner

70. “If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you, it will be enough.”_Meister Eckhart

71. “Strive to find things to be thankful for, and just look for the good in who you are.”_Bethany Hamilton

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