Banana Split Pudding

banana split pudding

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Ello! I hope that you all are having an excellent start to the week. We are again on the road and blogging from the hot and humid state of Delaware. One thing I adore in life, and I know I can’t be the only one is bananas. I have always loved nanners, and today I wanted to share a fun little simple Banana Split Pudding recipe with you.

Banana Split Pudding

Since I was a child, I have always loved banana splits, but sometimes I just don’t have ice cream since I am traveling and living in a camper. This banana split pudding is a great alternative and super easy to make with minimal ingredients.

What You Need To Make The Banana Split Pudding

  • One package banana pudding (plus ingredients to make pudding)
  • 1/3 cup chopped peanuts
  • Three bananas, sliced
  • Toppings:
  • Whipped cream
  • Chopped peanuts
  • Sprinkles
  • Chocolate syrup
  • Cherries

The first thing you will want to make is the pudding itself according to the instructions.

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Place a layer of chopped peanuts on the bottom of each cup.

Top with a layer of banana pudding.

Add a layer of sliced bananas, another layer of pudding, and another layer of sliced bananas.

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Top with whipped cream, additional chopped peanuts, sprinkles, chocolate syrup, and a cherry.

banana split pudding

This recipe is so easy and so much fun to make. It is an excellent alternative to a banana split made with ice cream and no melting on these hot days. Make sure to check back in a few days as we will be keeping with the banana theme for a little while, so grab some banana’s and have fun!!

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