Blueberry Angel Food Cake Recipe

Blueberry Angel Food Cake

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The hubby and I were going to a potluck and I was asked to bring deviled eggs and a cake. To me the best deviled egg is a simple deviled egg – mayo, dijon mustard, relish. Of course it helps when you are starting with farm fresh eggs. I was also working with home canned relish so they were pretty good. But there is really nothing special about deviled eggs. It was the cake that was going to be special – I made a blueberry angel food cake.

It was the result of a total experiment. I wanted something more than just a plain angel food cake so I looked to what I had around the yurt and the frozen blueberries caught my eye. I honestly didn’t know if they would stay suspended or all sink to the bottom and make royal mess. I didn’t know if it had been done before. I suppose I could have googled it but I just decided to forge ahead and see what would happen. I’m glad I did because the result was really good.

Blueberry Angel Food Cake

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Blueberry Angel Food Cake with Lemon and Blueberry Glazes

1 cup cake flour
1 1/2 cups powdered sugar
2 cups egg whites (15 – 18 large)
1 1/2 tsp cream of tartar
1 cup granulated sugar
1/4 tsp salt
1 tsp vanilla
2 1/2 cups frozen blueberries – keep frozen until used
1 TBS water
2 cups confectioner’s sugar
juice of one lemon

Preheat oven to 375°
Whisk together and the cake flour and the powdered sugar. Set aside
In a stand mixer with the whisk attached whip the egg whites and cream of tartar on medium until foamy.
Turn the speed to high and start adding the granulated sugar about a tablespoon at a time.
Add the salt and vanilla with the last addition of sugar
Whisk the whites to stiff peaks
Add one third of the flour mixture to the egg whites and gently fold in with a spatula.
Add the second third of the flour mixture and fold in – being sure to mix thoroughly.

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Blueberry Angel Food Cake
Add 2 cups of frozen blueberries to the last third of the flour mixture and toss until they are well coated.
Fold the flour mixture and blueberries into the egg whites until well distributed.
Add the batter to an angel food cake pan, drop it a couple of times on the counter and then cut through it with a butter knife.
Smooth the batter and bake in the preheated oven for 30 – 35 minutes until the cake is lightly browned and a tester comes out clean.
Rest, upside down until cool.

Blueberry Angel Food Cake
Make the Lemon Glaze:
Juice the lemon and add to the 2 cups of powdered sugar. Mix until well combined.

Blueberry Angel Food Cake
Make the Blueberry Glaze:
Heat the 1/2 cup of blueberries with 1 TBS water until soft then mash them.
Run the mixture through a sieve.
Add the blueberry juice to 1/4 cup of the lemon glaze

Blueberry Angel Food Cake
Remove the cake from the pan
Drizzle with the lemon glaze, then drizzle with the blueberry glaze

Blueberry Angel Food Cake

How Was it?

I have absolutely no clue.

I didn’t get to try it since we took it to a potluck. I did talk to some people who ate a piece of the blueberry angel food cake and they were very enthusiastic about it. A couple asked me for the recipe so that is always a good sign. It was certainly a a pretty cake. I’m looking forward to trying it with raspberries.

Other Great Desserts:

Turtle Cheesecake

Vanilla Cake with Salted Chocolate Mousse

Caramelized Pear Upside Down Cake

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