Breakfast In Bed: Cream Cheese Pancakes

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I wish each and every day someone would bring me breakfast in bed! Is that selfish? Naw, but it would be super cool to wake up to an amazing breakfast and coffee, right. Today I wanted to share with you a little spin on pancakes. This Cream Cheese Pancake recipe is totally amazing and perfect for a little breakfast with family or breakfast in bed.

If you have never had Cream Cheese Pancakes this is a must in your life if you adore cream cheese such as I do. It gives the pancakes an amazing flavor not to mention the creamy texture.

I always make my pancakes in a well-seasoned cast-iron skillet. I think they work best when it comes to any pancake mixture. This recipe was prepared with this cast iron 2-sided grill. Any large, well-seasoned cast-iron skillet could also be used for this recipe, however.

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How To Make Cream Cheese Pancakes


  • 8 oz. cream cheese, softened and cut into cubes
  • 6 large eggs
  • ½ t. ground cinnamon
  • 1 t. real vanilla extract
  • 3 T. extra virgin olive oil, divided
  • 1 c. fresh blueberries
  • 1 c. fresh strawberries, sliced
  • 2 T. powdered monk fruit (optional)
  • Real maple syrup, to serve

TIP: The batter for this recipe is relatively thin, so you may find smaller pancakes easier to flip.


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  • Add cream cheese, eggs, cinnamon, and vanilla extract to a high-powered blender. Cover and blend on high until completely smooth.
  • Heat a cast-iron griddle or large skillet over medium heat. Once hot, add ½ tablespoon olive oil to the griddle and spread around with a rubber spatula.
  • Pour 3 small pancakes onto the griddle (approximately 2-3 tablespoons each), leaving enough space in between so they don’t run together. Cook until the edges just begin to turn brown and the pancakes are set approximately 3-4 minutes.
  • Carefully flip each pancake and continue cooking for another 1-2 minutes or just until golden brown on the bottom. Transfer cooked pancakes to a platter and keep warm. Repeat this process with remaining olive oil until all batter is cooked.
  • To serve, divide the pancakes among individual serving plates and top with fresh berries, a sprinkle of powdered monk fruit, if desired, and some real maple syrup. Enjoy!

Adding the fruit is totally up to you but I just adore fruit on my pancakes no matter if they are cream cheese or not. You don’t even have to use the 2 T. powdered monk fruit but I would at least try this….so yummy.

Below you will find the recipe so that you can print it out. Maybe hint at your significant other, that it’s time for some breakfast in bed. ;)

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