Cabbage Recipe: Shrimp and Cabbage in Sauce on Rice

serve over rice

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One of my favorite fall vegetables is cabbage. I find it to be a very versatile ingredient and love to cook with it. From my grandmother’s creamed cabbage to a filling bacon, potato and cabbage soup I love to find ways to use this inexpensive and tasty cruciferous garden gift. Coming up with a cabbage recipe is sometimes a challenge but one I embrace.

We bought a cabbage at the food co-op and I had used part for dinner the other night but I still had half left. I decided it would pair well with some shrimp I had and an the sauce I use all the time for fried rice. Don’t ask how I decided upon this – my brain just said dooooooo it, and I did.

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shrimp and cabbage

Cabbage Recipe: Shrimp and Cabbage in Sauce on Rice

Serves 2

  • 1/2 lb peeled and deveined shrimp
  • 3 tsp canola or peanut oil
  • clove of garlic, pressed or finely chopped
  • 2 cups roughly chopped cabbage (about 1/3 small head)
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 2 TBS oyster sauce
  • 1 TBS soy sauce
  • 1 TBS white wine or mirin
  • 2 tsp cornstarch (optional)
  • 1/2 avocado cut into small pieces (optional)
  • 2 cups cooked rice
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • Mix together the soy sauce, mirin, oyster sauce and cornstarch. Set aside

quick cook shrimp

  • Heat a large fry pan over medium heat. When the pan is hot add the shrimp and stir fry quickly until they are just done. Remove from pan.

cook cabbage

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  • To the same pan add another tsp of oil and the garlic. Swirl until the garlic starts to give off its aroma then add the cabbage.
  • Pour in about 1/4 cup of water to start and cover the cabbage and let cook for about 10 minutes checking to make sure it doesn’t burn. Add more water as needed.

add shrimp and sauce

  • When the cabbage is crisp/tender add the shrimp to the pan along with the soy/oyster sauce mixture. Cook through until everything is coated with the sauce about 2 minutes.

serve over rice

  • Serve over the rice. Sprinkle avocado over the top if desired.

How Was the Shrimp and Cabbage Recipe?

This is a quick and easy cabbage recipe that came together on a night where I needed to get the husband out the door for a meeting. I was quite pleased with how the flavors all came together and he licked his plate clean so I guess he enjoyed it too! Cabbage recipes are underrated I believe and can add a lot of crunch and yes flavor to a meal with the right condiments. It’s inexpensive and it goes a long way. The pickled red cabbage that accompanies sauerbraten is one of my favorite cabbage recipes. Not to mention egg rolls. Mmmmm.

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This meal looked as good as it tasted on my new gifted  Corelle Stoneware in Nordic Blue. These dishes are really lovely and the photo doesn’t do them justice. The set came with 4 dinner plates, 4 bowls, 4 coffee mugs and 4 lunch plates and you can find them and many other beautiful patterns on

I was sent the dishes at no charge for my honest opinion.

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