Marbled Angel Food Cake Recipe

marbled angel food cake, chocolate angel food cake, angel food cake

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I make a lot of Challah bread as it’s the bread we use for toast and sandwiches. It’s a delicious, rich, eggy bread and I love it. I do end up with a lot of egg whites after I do my baking as each batch (3 loaves and I make 2 batches at a time) uses 3 egg yolks. There there is all of the ice cream that I make. That recipe calls for 4 egg yolks. So, what do I do with all of these egg whites? I put them in the freezer in a zip bag. Every time I add more I mark on the outside of the bag so I can keep track of how many whites are in each bag. Yes, egg whites do freeze fairly well. I had amassed quite a few so it was time to do something with them. As per usual I had to bake for the hubby and figured an angel food cake would be a good way to use them up, but I decided to experiment and came up with a marbled angel food cake recipe that worked quite well.

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Marbled Angel Food Cake 

Serves 12

  • 1 cup cake flour
  • 1 1/2 cups confectioner’s sugar
  • 1/4 cup cocoa powder
  • 1 oz semi sweet chocolate, grated or finely chopped
  • 1 1/2 cups egg whites, about 12 (if using frozen 2 cups egg whites, about 16)
  • 1 1/2 tsp cream of tartar
  • 1 cup granulated sugar
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 2 tsp vanilla
  • Preheat oven to 375°

  • In a large bowl whisk together the cake flour and confectioner’s sugar.

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  • Remove 1 cup of the mix and add to another large bowl and whisk in the cocoa powder.

  • Add the grated semi sweet chocolate to the cocoa/flour/sugar mix
  • Add the egg whites and cream of tartar to the bowl of a stand mixer with the whisk attached.
  • Beat on medium high until foamy. Then start adding the granulated sugar a tablespoon at a time until it is all incorporated. Beat until the meringue is thick and glossy and firm peaks have formed.

  • Half will go into the bowl with the cocoa powder. Half into the other bowl but you want to add the meringue to the bowls gently and fold the flour mixture in gently so as to not lose too much volume.

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  • After you have mixed both flavors drop spoonfuls of vanilla then chocolate into an angelfood cake pan until the bottom is covered. Repeat in the opposite pattern on the next layer and again if there is more batter.

  • Run a butter knife through the batter to distribute.
  • Drop the pan a couple of times to eliminate air holes.
  • Bake in the preheated oven for 30 – 35 minutes until the top is dry and bounces back.
  • Cool upside down until cold.

  • Dust with a mix of confectioner’s sugar and cocoa powder if desired

How Was the Marbled Angel Food Cake?

For once I can actually answer this question! Truth be told, I made two marbled angel food cakes as the first one was a little…flat for lack of a better word. I used the recipe recommended 12 egg whites and I knew that frozen egg whites just didn’t beat up as well but wanted to see what would happen.  The resulting cake was just not tall enough. It tasted good but just didn’t look as an angel food cake should.

So I made another. Yes, I had THAT many frozen egg whites.

I told you it was time I did something with them. The second cake was much better and it went to the hubby’s meeting where it was very munch enjoyed. The hubby and I ate the first cake. It tasted just fine, it was just a little erm, stunted. The chocolate sections were delightful due to the cocoa powder and the little melty bits from the grated semi sweet chocolate. It really does need to be grated or very finely chopped so as to not weigh down the meringue.

It’s delicious on it’s own but there is nothing to say it would be delightful with a bit of ice cream or some strawberries.

I used a base recipe from my good ole Betty Crocker Cookbook that I was given as a shower present in 1982. Sometimes the old recipes are the best places to start.

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