Chinese New Year is Coming – Celebrate with Rice Noodles and Beans in Peanut Sauce

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Chinese New Year starts on February 3rd and this will be the Year of the Rabbit.
I did a little reading and found that vegetarian meals are quite popular for New Year celebrations.
I had my Thai Kitchen supplies and thought I would play around and come up with a yummy meal that might just work for Chinese New Year.

Rice Noodles and Beans in Peanut Sauce

I had some rice noodles in my pantry so I cooked them per instructions (erm – boil for about 12 min.)

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These have a lovely, chewy texture and are very plain in taste. Even plainer than egg noodles so they are perfect for pairing with a sauce.

To make the sauce I took some Thai Kitchen Peanut Satay Sauce – which is very tasty on its own and DELICIOUS on chicken or beef – and added some peanut butter, honey, soy sauce, Thai Kitchen Fish Sauce (which I always have in my pantry) and water. I wanted a thicker, slightly sweeter sauce for this dish so I played around a bit.

I roasted some of our garden beans in the oven with a bit of olive oil and salt. This is a delicious way to cook green beans and I do them this way all the time.

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I mixed the noodles, beans and sauce together….

…and served it with some chopped nuts on top.

It was delicious! There was still just the lightest hint of heat from the satay sauce and the bit of sweet from the honey. It was even better the second day.

The hubby loved it, I loved it and it was really quite filling. A perfect vegetarian meal. I also love that the ingredients in the satay sauce don’t include a bunch of chemicals and things I have never heard of. It’s nice to know what you are eating….

Disclosure:  I received Thai Kitchen products gratis. Any opinions expressed are my honest opinions and they were not impacted by my receipt of the free products. I received no monetary compensation for this post.

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