How to Cook Romanesco – Garlic Roasted Romanesco on Cheesy Polenta with Fresh Tomato Sauce

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While we were out in Montana the hubby grew a lot of interesting vegetables in his garden. he was such a good gardener that he was able to produce enough out of his garden that we didn’t need to buy vegetables at all once he got everything up and running. One of the more interesting vegetables he grew was romanesco. What is it and therefore you ask, how to cook romanesco? I will try and help below.

If you have never had it before it looks like little Christmas trees and to me at least, it tastes like a cross between broccoli and cauliflower. I’m sure you are wondering the best way to cook romanesco, it’s actually pretty easy. I simply treated it just like broccoli and cauliflower; I would break down the bigger heads into smaller pieces. 

But when the hubby brought in these two little “trees” I just couldn’t resist cooking them as is and they really did make a dramatic presentation. So if you can find little romanesco heads go for it. Otherwise this recipe would be just as tasty with pieces of the vegetable or with cauliflower for that matter.  This garlic roasted romanesco made for a very satisfying vegetarian dinner.

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romanesco, garlic roasted romanesco on cheesy polenta with fresh tomato sauce, vegetarian, meatless monday

Garlic Roasted Romanesco on Cheesy Polenta with Fresh Tomato Sauce

Serves 2

2 small romanesco
3 TBS olive oil
1 large garlic clove
1 tsp salt

For the Polenta
1 cup cornmeal
1 1/2 cups milk
1 cup water
1 TBS butter, optional
1 cup grated Parmesan Cheese plus a little extra for sprinkling at the end
1/2 tsp freshly ground pepper
salt to taste

1 1/2 cups tomato sauce
1/4 cup toasted pine nuts

Preheat the oven to 400°

romanesco, garlic roasted romanesco on cheesy polenta with fresh tomato sauce, vegetarian, meatless monday, garlic in oil
While the oven is heating, add the olive oil to a small saucepan over low heat. Mince or press the garlic and add it to the oil and let it heat slowly. Do not let the garlic fry. Remove from heat.

romanesco, garlic roasted romanesco on cheesy polenta with fresh tomato sauce, vegetarian, meatless monday
Add the romenescos to a baking pan, add about a half a cup of water and cover with foil. Place in the oven and let steam for half an hour.
Reduce the heat to 350°, remove the romanesco and generously brush with the garlic oil.
Cover and steam for 15 minutes. Repeat.

romanesco, garlic roasted romanesco on cheesy polenta with fresh tomato sauce, vegetarian, meatless monday, roasted romanesco
Take it out of the oven, generously brush with garlic oil and return to the oven one more time but uncovered.
While the romenesco is cooking, make the polenta. Add the milk and water to a 4 quart sauce pan and bring to a boil. Add the cornmeal. When it starts to thicken add the Parmesan cheese and the black pepper. If using add the butter. If it seems too thick add a little milk Adjust seasoning with salt.

Heat up the tomato sauce.

romanesco, garlic roasted romanesco on cheesy polenta with fresh tomato sauce, vegetarian, meatless monday, roasted romanesco
To plate: Add the polenta to a bowl and surround it with tomato sauce, top with the romanesco. Grate some Parmesan on top and sprinkle with the pine nuts

How Was the Garlic Roasted Romanesco?

It was really pretty tasty. The romanesco is a cross between a broccoli and a cauliflower and is slightly nutty. It was amazing on the polenta and the fresh tomato sauce was a perfect complement. The pine nuts added a delightful flavor and a nice crunch.

romanesco, garlic roasted romanesco on cheesy polenta with fresh tomato sauce, vegetarian, meatless monday, roasted romanesco

It also looked so pretty, like a little Christmas tree. To eat it I just cut the romanesco into little pieces and mixed it all together. We both enjoyed this meal and it can be replicated using broccoli and cauliflower. It just won’t look as festive. It’s a great vegetarian meal for meatless Monday.


If you find a romanesco that is large – and I have to cook it I generally just treat it like a cauliflower and  cut it into florets and roast it in the oven with a bit of olive oil.

If you are looking for other vegetarian options for dinner how about Baked Eggplant Parmesan or Bean Salad on Honeyed Quinoa? Both are filling and delicious.



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