Cinnamon Chocolate Cookies

cinnamon chocolate cookies on green plate

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As I mentioned yesterday when I shared my recipe for Banana Spice Snack Cake, I was in a baking mood. I also made cinnamon chocolate cookies. Turns out it was a good thing I went all baking crazy in one day. Why, you ask? Today the husband started breaking down my kitchen so as to get it ready for when the contractor comes in to gut it and give me a whole new, functional (and pretty) kitchen.

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Say goodbye to this sorry excuse for a kitchen

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I say hooray to that but life is going to get complicated around here in the next month, that is for sure. Just note that if I miss a day blogging or if you see more book posts than recipe posts you will know why. To remind you what will be happening; we are taking an upstairs bedroom and turning it into a laundry room/second bathroom. The kitchen is being completely gutted and redone and the dining area is being restructured to pull out the pantry area and remove the washer and dryer.

On top of all of that the entire house is being sheetrocked.

Good times. You wish you were me don’t you? I hope I come through with my sanity and all four cats intact.

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On to today’s recipe. I found the starting point in an old cookbook entitled, The Cookie Book ( that is an affiliate link, although this shows it as a hardcover, mine is a softcover. It also shows out of stock. It has proven to be a useful book for me as a starting off point. I cannot remember when or where I got it.)

colorful sugar cookies, sugar cookies, sugar cookie recipe, chocolate sugar cookies

Hmmmm, I wonder what kind of recipes it has inside <sarcasm>? Cookies perhaps?

I found a recipe I like and then the fun began – I didn’t like the whole of it and I didn’t have several of the listed ingredients. So what’s a baker to do? I added here and substituted there until I came up with what wanted and that is what you see here.

They came out mighty tasty if I do say so myself.

Cinnamon Chocolate Cookies

makes 10 – 15

  • 6 TBS butter, at room temperature
  • 6 TBS brown sugar
  • 6 TBS white sugar
  • 1 extra large egg, beaten
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1 1/4 cups all purpose flour
  • 1 1/2 tsp baking powder
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1/4 cup cocoa powder
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • sugar in the raw for rolling – about 1/4 cup
how to make cookies
  • Cream the butter and two sugars until light and fluffy – about 5 minutes. (I used my hand mixer and it worked fine)
  • Beat in the egg and vanilla extract
  • Sift in the flour, cocoa, cinnamon, salt, and baking powder
  • Carefully blend together until you have a cohesive dough
  • Place the sugar in a raw in a small bowl
roll dough ball in sugar in the raw
  • If you have a 1 TBS cookie scoop use that, otherwise scoop about a TBS of dough and roll it into a ball. Roll the ball in the sugar in the raw and place on the prepared cookie sheet about 2″ apart
flatten cookie balls
  • Press the dough balls down with a cup to flatten
  • Bake in the preheated oven, one tray at a time for 10 – 12 minutes
  • Cool the cookies on the tray for one minute before you remove them to finish cooling on a wire rack.
cinnamon chocolate cookies on green plate

How Were the Cinnamon Chocolate Cookies?

I really like them and so does the hubby. They are chocolately, cinnamony and nice and crunchy with just a bit of softness at the center. These are very tasty with a big glass of cold milk. Another thing that is lovely about this recipe is that it doesn’t make a ton of cookies so if you just need a few, this is the cinnamon chocolate cookies recipe for you! I don’t know if it doubles well as I did not try that.

This will be one that I make again because we are both enjoying these cookies. It will go on our favorites list with orange cornmeal cookies and vanilla wafers among others.

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