Easy One Dish Pork Bake – Only 5 Ingredients, Works with Chicken Too

Easy One Dish Pork Bake, 5 Ingredient Meal, Pork dinner

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The onions came in; lots and lots and lots of onions. The hubby plants two different varieties – Walla Walla and Parker. Walla Walla onions are sweet and don’t hold well whereas the Parker onions will stay in the basement for use all winter long. The Walla Wallas I chop, freeze and bag. It was while slicing and dicing all of the onions that I remembered a recipe that my mother used to make all the time. In fact it was one of her favorite meals. It’s a very easy one dish pork bake that also works well with chicken. The recipe can be doubled or tripled quite nicely so this makes it a good meal for a crowd.

Easy One Dish Pork Bake, 5 Ingredient Meal, Pork dinner

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One Dish Pork Bake

2 6 oz boneless pork chops

1 medium onion

2 large potatoes

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2 medium green peppers

1 TBS herbes de Provence

salt to taste

Easy One Dish Pork Bake, 5 Ingredient Meal, Pork dinner

Preheat oven to 400°

Spray a 13 x 9″ pan with cooking spray.

Slice the onion thinly, about 1/4″ thick slices

Trim the peppers, remove the seeds and slice into strips

Wash the potatoes and cut into slices about 1/4″ thick

Easy One Dish Pork Bake, 5 Ingredient Meal, Pork dinner

Place a layer of onions, add salt and a sprinkling of the herbes de Provence. Follow with a layer of potatoes, the pork (or chicken if you are using chicken) another layer of potatoes, the remaining onions and the peppers. Sprinkle salt and distribute the herbes de Provence on each layer as you go.

Cover with foil and bake in the preheated oven for 20 minutes.

Easy One Dish Pork Bake, 5 Ingredient Meal, Pork dinner

Remove the foil, lower the temperature to 350° and bake for another 30 minutes until the potatoes are soft and the meat is cooked.

How Was the Easy One Dish Pork Bake?

It’s hard to explain just how tasty this dish is but I’ll try. I’ll begin by saying I don’t like onions and I”m allergic to peppers and yet I love this meal.

Easy One Dish Pork Bake, 5 Ingredient Meal, Pork dinner

Granted I don’t eat the onions or peppers, but the flavors that melt into the potatoes and pork (or chicken) are magical. The hubby adored it ’cause he loves peppers and onions. Since the onions have come in about a week ago I’ve made this twice – once with chicken and once with pork. I had forgotten about it but it was a staple meal when I was a child.

[click_to_tweet tweet=”This delicious pork bake is a great addition to anyone’s meal plan. Easy One Dish Pork Bake – a 5 Ingredient Recipe” quote=”This delicious pork bake is a great addition to anyone’s meal plan”].

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