Garlic Scape Recipe Season is Here! Pan Fried Salmon with Spinach and Garlic Scapes

salmon with garlic scapes

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One of the things we grow here on our little farm is garlic. I’ve shared in the past about planting garlic but this post about using part of the garlic plant before it is harvested – the garlic scape. I will be the first to admit that I knew little or nothing about garlic scapes before the husband started growing garlic but for the small amount of time that I have them available for him to enjoy (I don’t like them) I try to make him a garlic scape recipe that he will truly enjoy.


What is a Garlic Scape?

Garlic scapes are the flower stems for the hardneck garlic that most of us buy in the stores. This garlic usually grows in colder climates so the type that my husband plants here in Montana produces a nice little crop of them. What do they taste like? I have no blessed clue – they smell oniony to me so I haven’t tried them. The hubby says they taste somewhere a cross between a scallion and garlic. He says they are not strongly flavored.

How Do I Keep Garlic Scapes?

When he brings them in I wash them and trim them. I put a few aside to use over the next week or so but I take the bulk of them and put them in a quart mason jar that I then fill with olive oil. This does two things; keeps the garlic scapes viable and it leaves me with a jar of garlic scapes flavored oil. You can also freeze them – just slice them, lay them out on a cookie sheet until frozen then store in freezer bags or reusable containers.

pan fried salmon on spinach

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Garlic Scape Recipe: Pan Fried Salmon with Spinach and Garlic Scapes

Serves 2 (I only cooked for one but the recipe is written for two)

  • 2 6 oz salmon fillets
  • 1 TBS plus 1 tsp olive oil
  • 2 TBS all purpose flour
  • 2 tsp salt, divided
  • 1 tsp freshly ground pepper
  • 4 cups fresh spinach
  • 4 garlic scapes
  • 2 tsp lemon juice
  • 2 TBS dried cranberries
  • 2 baby beets if available
  • 2 cups cooked Jasmine rice or brown rice

cut garlic scapes

  • Slice the garlic scapes into small rings. Set aside
  • If you have the baby beets peel and cut it into small dice. Set aside.
  • Heat a small fry pan over medium heat. Add 1 TBS olive oil

cook salmon

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  • Season the salmon fillet with salt and pepper.
  • Place the salmon in the pan and pan fry for 5 minutes. Turn the fish and fry for 5 minutes.
  • Cover the pan to finish the cooking of the salmon for about two to four minutes.

cook spinach and garlic scapes

  • While the salmon is cooking prepare the spinach: heat a large pan over medium heat. Add 1 tsp of olive oil. Place the spinach in the pan and let it wilt. Sprinkle with lemon juice and about a half a teaspoon of salt. Heat through.
  • Add all but about 2 TBS of the garlic scapes, the dried cranberries and most of the baby beets to the spinach. Stir through to cook. Save the rest for garnish.

salmon with garlic scapes

To Plate:

  • Add the spinach to the plate and top with the cup of rice. Lay a salmon fillet on top of the rice and sprinkle with the remaining garlic scapes and the diced baby beet.

How Was the Salmon with Garlic Scapes Recipe?

I couldn’t tell you. I

a) don’t like salmon
b) don’t like garlic scapes and
c) don’t like spinach

so this was a meal I cooked out of love for my husband who loves all three. He licked his plate clean so I have to think he really enjoyed his meal. Actually he told me that it was delicious or I wouldn’t be sharing it here on the blog. It does celebrate the early harvest from our garden. The first things that come in are always the ones that seem to taste the best. I did enjoy a lovely spinach salad …

Nothing makes me happier than cooking a salmon dinner for the husband that he truly enjoys and he said this one was a hit so I was very content. 

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