Canning Plum Syrup – a Delicious Recipe for Waffles, Pancakes and More

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I usually spend most of my summer canning and canning and canning some more. This summer has been quite different – the garden didn’t really produce a lot and I didn’t end up with a lot of fruit. It was almost like having a summer off!  The lack of canning didn’t deter me from being  excited about the canning labels from kidecals®. The company sent me the labels at no charge for my honest review.

My neighbor called and she had quite the plum collection on her trees so she invited me over to take what I wanted. I still had some jelly and plum sauce from last year so I decided to try something new – I made plum syrup! It’s not a classic syrup but I figured it was worth experimenting.

Without a recipe I only used half of my plums in case it didn’t work. I decided to make syrup mostly because the hubby has a waffle 3 days out of 7 for his breakfast. I make his Belgian waffles in bulk and freeze them for him and he prefers a low sugar syrup. Earlier this year I canned strawberry and cherry and he has really enjoyed them. In researching I could find no recipes for plum syrup so I just went and made something up.

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Plum Syrup

Makes 5 quarts

20 cups plums,  washed and pitted
water to cover
4 cups granulated sugar

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Toss the plums in a large, heavy bottomed, non-reactive pot over medium high heat

Add water to cover. Bring to a boil and add the sugar.

Reduce to a simmer and cook until the plums are soft. When they are very soft use an immersion blender and puree until smooth. If you don’t have an immersion blender transfer in batches to a blender to puree.

Prepare a water bath canner and 5 quart jars. Reheat the plum syrup and add hot syrup to hot jars. Wipe the rims and place the lids and bands. Process for 30 minutes. Adjust for altitude if necessary. If you prefer to can in pints they would only need to process for 20 minutes.

How Was the Plum Syrup?

Hubby really enjoyed this – as I mentioned above it’s not a true syrup. It’s not super thick but it’s got some substance due to the pureeing of the whole fruits. It’s not too sweet and has a true plum flavor. I already used a bit in a sauce for a salmon dinner for him. He did have it on his waffle the other morning and he did enjoy it.

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