Heart Healthy Blueberry Muffin Recipe – Grab and Go Muffins

Heart Healthy Blueberry Muffin Recipe, Grab and Go Muffins, Nature Made at Walmart, Nature Made CholestOff Plus, #NatureMadeHeartHealth, #CollectiveBias, #AD

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This shop sharing a Heart Healthy Blueberry Muffin Recipe – Grab and Go Muffins has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #NatureMadeHeartHealth #CollectiveBias

Good, healthy eating is a big part of our lifestyle. I bake all of our bread, snacks and treats. I will admit that I do splurge now and then but for the most part I keep our diet heart healthy. After all, we did start our small farm to live our best possible life. For us that includes growing most of what we eat, keeping the chickens so we have fresh, free range eggs and choosing a mix of supplements that match our needs.

Heart Healthy Blueberry Muffin Recipe, Grab and Go Muffins, Nature Made at Walmart, Nature Made CholestOff Plus, #NatureMadeHeartHealth, #CollectiveBias, #AD

Note: This post may contain affiliate links, which means if you buy from my link I might make a small commission. This does not affect the price you pay. See the full affiliate disclosure here.

Nature Made as Part of Our Lifestyle

Nature Made® products have long been part of the daily routine here on the Farm and now I’ve been introduced to Nature Made® CholestOff® Plus.

I’d like you to learn all about it too! Here are the basics straight from the company:

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  • Clinically proven to lower cholesterol†. Products containing at least 400 mg per serving of plant sterols and Stanols, eaten twice a day with meals for a daily intake of at least 800 mg as part of a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol, may reduce the risk of heart disease. One serving of CholestOff® Plus supplies 900 mg of plant sterols and stanols per serving for a daily intake of 1800 mg.
  • Helps reduce the amount of dietary cholesterol absorbed into the bloodstream.
  • Make Nature Made your daily partner. Start another good day with Nature Made®.
  • A healthy cholesterol level is important for good heart health. CholestOff® Plus is made with Reducol™, a proprietary blend of plant sterols and stanols (also called phytosterols) that can help lower LDL (“bad”) cholesterol by reducing the absorption of dietary cholesterol into the bloodstream. Products containing at least 400 mg per serving of plant sterols and Stanols, eaten twice a day with meals for a daily intake of at least 800 mg as part of a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol, may reduce the risk of heart disease. One serving of CholestOff® Plus supplies 900 mg of plant sterols and stanols per serving for a daily intake of 1800 mg.
  • Colors Derived from Natural Sources – No Synthetic Dyes. No Artificial Flavors, No Preservatives, No Yeast or Starch, Gluten Free

Heart Healthy Blueberry Muffin Recipe, Grab and Go Muffins, Nature Made at Walmart, Nature Made CholestOff Plus, #NatureMadeHeartHealth, #CollectiveBias, #AD


Nature Made and Eating Well

Breakfast they say, is the most important meal of the day. One of the easiest breakfasts, in my opinion is a muffin. I like that muffins also make great snacks so they serve a double purpose. The hubby is often running out to a meeting or on a road trip so I like to have some grab and go offerings for him. In fact just last week he was away for three days. I sent some muffins along for the ride. There were five people in the car so having the muffins available gave them all a healthy snack on the first day and a quick breakfast for the second day.

Heart Healthy Blueberry Muffin Recipe, Grab and Go Muffins, Nature Made at Walmart, Nature Made CholestOff Plus, #NatureMadeHeartHealth, #CollectiveBias, #AD


Heart Healthy Blueberry Muffin Recipe – Grab and Go Muffins

Makes 24 muffins

2 1/2 cups white whole wheat flour
1 1/4 cups rolled oats
2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp salt
t tsp cinnamon
1 tsp nutmeg
3 egg whites
1 1/2 cups skim milk
1/2 cup honey
1 tsp vanilla
3/4 cup unsweetened applesauce
1 1/2 cups frozen or fresh blueberries or huckleberries
3/4 cups walnuts, toasted and chopped
1/4 cup pumpkin seeds, toasted
3 oz dark chocolate, chopped

cooking spray

Preheat oven to 400°
Spray 24 muffin cups with cooking spray or line with paper liners and spray the llners.
In a large bowl whisk together the dry ingredients: the flour, cinnamon, nutmeg, baking powder, baking soda and salt. Stir in the oats.
Add the blueberries or huckleberries and coat with the flour. Stir in the chopped, toasted walnuts.
In a medium bowl whisk the egg whites until foamy to break them up.
Pour in the milk and honey. Stir until the honey is well combined.
Add the vanilla and applesauce. Mix well
Pour the liquid ingredients to the dry and gently mix until just combined.

Heart Healthy Blueberry Muffin Recipe, Grab and Go Muffins, Nature Made at Walmart, Nature Made CholestOff Plus, #NatureMadeHeartHealth, #CollectiveBias, #AD
Using a large scoop or large table spoon add the batter to the prepared pans.
Sprinkle with the pumpkin seeds and dark chocolate, using all. Press down lightly.
Bake in the preheated oven for 20 – 22 minutes, changing racks halfway through, until a tester comes out clean.

Heart Healthy Blueberry Muffin Recipe, Grab and Go Muffins, Nature Made at Walmart, Nature Made CholestOff Plus, #NatureMadeHeartHealth, #CollectiveBias, #AD
Carefully remove from the pans – the chocolate will be hot – and let cool on a rack.

How Were They?

These are mighty tasty for virtually fat free, low sugar muffins. I used homemade applesauce (OK it was pearsauce but seriously it tastes just like applesauce when you get down to it.) Toasting the nuts and seeds really brings out their flavor so you can use a lessor quantity and still get big taste.

Heart Healthy Blueberry Muffin Recipe, Grab and Go Muffins, Nature Made at Walmart, Nature Made CholestOff Plus, #NatureMadeHeartHealth, #CollectiveBias, #AD

Be sure to use a high quality dark chocolate so what you sprinkle on top of each muffin carries real impact. Placing it on the top as opposed to mixing it in the batter allows the chocolate to be more flavor forward. Coating the berries with flour they “float” throughout the muffins instead of sinking to the bottom so almost every bite will have blueberry/huckleberry in it.

These muffins will be a little denser than you might be used to due to the lack of oil and egg yolks but they are full of flavor and I found one muffin to be very satisfying.

Grab and Go?

So, what is so “grab and go” about these muffins? Obviously when they are fresh out of the oven you can pick one up and enjoy it immediately. But that leaves 23 muffins. Here is what I do to make the 24th muffin taste as fresh as the first.

Heart Healthy Blueberry Muffin Recipe, Grab and Go Muffins, Nature Made at Walmart, Nature Made CholestOff Plus, #NatureMadeHeartHealth, #CollectiveBias, #AD

I put the muffins on a baking sheet and pop them into the freezer. This lets the chocolate freeze so it won’t make a royal mess when you go to package them.

Heart Healthy Blueberry Muffin Recipe, Grab and Go Muffins, Nature Made at Walmart, Nature Made CholestOff Plus, #NatureMadeHeartHealth, #CollectiveBias, #AD

Then I cut pieces of parchment or wax paper, wrap each muffin and pop them all in one big bag. That way when I want a muffin or two I just….grab and go!

An easy to grab breakfast or snack to take on the road. The muffin will thaw in under 10 minutes.

Heart Healthy Blueberry Muffin Recipe, Grab and Go Muffins, Nature Made at Walmart, Nature Made CholestOff Plus, #NatureMadeHeartHealth, #CollectiveBias, #AD

The hubby took quite a few when he went on the trip I mentioned above and I grabbed a couple when we went out for a drive in the woods the other day. I love being in the forest. It’s so peaceful

Which brings me right back to why we moved to this beautiful state – a healthy lifestyle; our little farm where we can grow our food, a stunning environment where we can go for walks and a less stressful pace of life.

Heart Healthy Blueberry Muffin Recipe, Grab and Go Muffins, Nature Made at Walmart, Nature Made CholestOff Plus, #NatureMadeHeartHealth, #CollectiveBias, #AD

Nature Made at Walmart

I found this newest addition to my supplement lineup at Walmart. Nature Made® CholestOff® Plus is easy to find in the Vitamins and Supplements aisle with all of the other great Nature Made products.

Check out this video to learn more about Nature Made products:

Heart Healthy Eating

Are you ready to use this heart healthy blueberry muffin recipe to bake up a tasty start to your day? A heart healthy eating plan is good for you and it is delicious; lots of fresh fruits and vegetables with whole grains. Add in heart healthy fats like the ones found in avocado and some tree nuts. You don’t have to give up a treat now and then – moderation is key. Quality supplements like Nature Made® CholestOff® Plus can help round out your routine.

Are you excited to learn that Nature Made® CholestOff® Plus is clinically proven to lower cholesterol†?

† These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.




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