How to Make a Car Kit for a New Driver

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I am sure many of you have to come up with gifts for a new driver. I received compensation for this post on how to make a car kit for a new driver but all opinions are my own.


How to Make a New Car Kit

As my nieces and nephews grow older it is so hard for me to fathom that they aren’t the toddlers that I played hide and seek with and read Dr. Seuss to for years. As each one reaches that milestone age of 17 and starts to drive I like to celebrate that new stage of their life with a little something for their new car. It is fun to tailor each kit to each child. Some items are basic, like a first aid kit – but others are special to the individual. You can do the same thing when you make your kit for your recipient.

What to put in a New Car Kit, new car kit

Basics to Include in the Kit

The first thing you need is, of course a case of some kind.  Since this case was for a girl I chose a colorful, polka dotted zipper bag. It’s water resistant and made from sturdy canvas so it will hold up bouncing around in a car. A small first aid kit is a great thing to have on hand. A personal pack of tissues are always appreciated as well as some travel wet wipes. Both of these serve multiple purposes.

To make it a little personal I added in some of my niece’s favorite candies and some emergency cash. The last thing is a small flashlight – in fact it probably doesn’t hurt to have a couple of flashlights in a car. The one I found for her her is also a glowstick and it has a whistle. Talk about multitasking!

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Hallmark, New Car Kit, Hallmark cards starting at .47, #SendSmiles, #CollectiveBias

Once it was all packed up I picked the perfect card to go with it. Now I just have to wrap it up with her other gifts and send it on its way to New Jersey. I know she’ll find it handy in her first new car. It is amazing to me that all of my “kids” are now driving. Some of them have even graduated college let alone high school!

Other Ideas to Include in the New Car Kit

There are a number of other ways you can put together a car kit for your new driver. Instead of a canvas bag you could put it in a hard case. Other ideas for items to include:

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A car fire extinguisher is also a good idea but it’s not something that will fit in a small canvas bag or case.

No matter what you add to make the new car kit special for your recipient know that it will be a great gift for their new car and that it will be appreciated for years to come.


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