Easy DIY Cat Craft – Make a Cat Cave with a Message

DIY cat cave

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If you have a cat you well know that cats love boxes. I am here to show you an easy DIY cat craft where you take one of those boxes and turn it into a cat cave.

DIY Cat Craft, Cat Cave, Rachel Ray™Nutrish®, cat food, grain free cat food, #NutrishCatCrafts, #CollectiveBias, #ad

*with all due respect to Jane Austen

Cat Craft for the DIY Inept

There are five Farm cats. (and let’s not forget the farm bunny, Cappuccino!) They all get along most of the time famously yet they do seek out quiet places to sleep or to just watch the world go by. I thought I’d make them a special cat cave to add to their corner in the yurt. I love to look at all of the clever DIY Cat Crafts on Pinterest if only to see what people have created. But I’m not very crafty myself – don’t ask what happens when I get near a hot glue gun. It’s not pretty! –  so a lot of the time I just end up looking and not doing. I’m here today for my fellow non crafty types. We have to represent! Let me show you that even if you are totally inept with scissors and a glue gun that you can make something nice for your cat.

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DIY Cat Cave

How to Make a DIY Cat Cave

I kept shelter pets in mind as I got ready to make my DIY Cat Cave.  But I’m getting ahead of myself. As I mentioned above, I’m not the craftiest of people so if I’m going to make something it has to be two things:

  1. easy
  2. EASY

So join me as I show you how to make a (very easy) Cat Cave – with a message! – for your furry friends.

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DIY Cat Craft, Cat Cave, Rachel Ray™Nutrish®, cat food, grain free cat food, #NutrishCatCrafts, #CollectiveBias, #ad

What You Need to Make Your DIY Cat Cave

  1. a box
  2. a tee shirt- this should have your message
  3. a piece of faux fur or fleece to line the box
  4. scissors
  5. packing tape
  6. rubber band or hair tie

Once you have gathered what you need it will take you less than 10 minutes to create a quiet hiding place for your cat. I chose an “Adopt a Cat” tee shirt from a trip to Hawaii. Every year that we visited I picked up another in this series; these cats always make me smile.

DIY Cat Craft, Cat Cave, Rachel Ray™Nutrish®, cat food, grain free cat food, #NutrishCatCrafts, #CollectiveBias, #ad

I suspect Sherpa thinks he was the model. Little does he know that the tee shirt is 20 years old! But I’m getting ahead of myself again! Here is how you make this simple cat cave:

DIY Cat Craft, Cat Cave, Rachel Ray™Nutrish®, cat food, grain free cat food, #NutrishCatCrafts, #CollectiveBias, #ad

Easy Steps for Making the Cat Cave

  1. fold the box ends inside the box
  2. tape the corners and the ends
  3. cover the box with the tee shirt
  4. tuck the arms in
  5. gather the back side together and wrap the rubber band or hair tie around to close
  6. place the faux fur or fleece inside
  7. add cat

See, I told you it was easy! If I could do it anyone can do it. Trust me. So far there have not been any fights over the new cat cave. They’ve been pretty good about sharing.

DIY cat cave

Harry and Sherpa have been in there the most so far. But knowing Fang and Queenie I suspect they will destroy use it shortly. Puffy is his own cat and does his own thing. He doesn’t follow the cat crowd. It will be interesting to see if I find the bunny in it!  I am thrilled that the Farm cats are happy with their new cat cave. It was so simple to make I think I’m going to make more!

DIY Cat Craft, Cat Cave, Rachel Ray™Nutrish®, cat food, grain free cat food, #NutrishCatCrafts, #CollectiveBias, #ad

A Cat Craft with a Message for Your Cats to Enjoy

I hope you enjoyed my super easy cat craft. Sherpa suggests that you make one for your kitty – he meows that he is sure they will like it. He certainly is enjoying his. I am sure your cat would love one too. Or make one for your shelter they are always in need of comfort items for their animals. You could make one and drop it off with a donation of some cat food and/or cat treats. I’m sure it would be very much appreciated.

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