Keto Garlic Cheese Crisps ~ Only 2 Ingredients

keto cheese crisp

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Guess what guys! I’ve followed through on my going back on my Keto diet. It’s going well so far. I’ve lost FOURTEEN pounds so far, yes, 14 pounds. I’m truly feeling better. Today I’m going to share a snack I love Keto Garlic Cheese Crisps.

keto cheese crisp

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If you don’t know much about the Keto diet, it involves a lot of high protein foods. Chicken, turkey, eggs, and cheese make up most of my daily diet. Hungry, never, because these foods are more filling. I follow Dirty, Lazy, Keto by Stephanie Laska, it’s not strict. It’s a great way to go Keto.


Keto cheese Crisps are so easy to make! Remember, if I can make them, you can make them. Besides, there are only two ingredients, what could be simpler? Man, I need more simplicity in my life. How about you?

keto cheese crisp

Easy Keto Garlic Cheese Crisps ~ Only 2 Ingredients

Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: 5 minutes
Total Time: 10 minutes

Easy keto garlic cheese crisps are the BEST low-carb snack. This recipe only requires 2 ingredients and they are done in about 10 minutes.

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  • Shredded Cheese
  • Garlic Powder
  • Parchment Paper


  1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees
  2. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper
  3. Add small spoonfuls of cheese to the parchment-lined baking sheet, making a round shape, about 1 - 1 ½ inch in diameter
  4. Sprinkle a small amount of garlic powder on each pile of cheese
  5. Bake for 5-7 minutes until cheese is lightly golden
  6. Remove from oven, and place baking sheet on a cooling rack, until completely cool
  7. Remove cheese chips, and store in an airtight bag or jar for up to one week at room temperature


You will really enjoy these Low Carb Cheese Crisps. Whether you are following the keto diet or not. I promise. I snack on them often.

As I’ve done before, I’m posting all my pictures below the recipe. I just don’t like having all the pictures post inside the recipe.

Easy Keto cheese crisp

Keto Garlic Cheese Crisps

keto cheese crisp

Like I said, these garlic cheese crisps are easy as pie! If you are considering a diet and want to talk to me about dirty, lazy, keto – I’d love it! I only went off my diet before because of a few SEVERAL personal problems. Most, I still have, but I did realize I do need to practice self-care!

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