Lobster Celebration Recipe – Lobster in Orange Sauce

lobster recipe, cooking en papillote, Lobster in Orange Sauce

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I wrote early in the week that I had made a special dinner for our 35th anniversary. I shared the  dessert I baked earlier in the week. Today I’m going to share the simple yet delicious lobster celebration recipe I created for our meal.

lobster recipe, lobster en papillote, Lobster in orange sauce

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Lobster in Orange Sauce

2 servings

2 6 oz lobster tails
1 orange, preferably organic
1/4 cup white wine
2 TBS olive oil
1 large garlic clove
2 cups cooked Madagascar Pink Rice or other rice
parchment paper

lobster recipe, cooking en papillote, Lobster in Orange Sauce

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Cut the lobster tails in half lengthwise and put them in a medium bowl

lobster recipe, cooking en papillote, Lobster in Orange Sauce
Add the olive oil to a small sauce pan and heat over low heat. Mince or press the garlic and add to the warm olive oil.
Heat until the garlic just starts to turn color. DO NOT LET THE GARLIC TURN DARK BROWN. it will get bitter
Strain the garlic pieces out of the oil and set the oil aside
Preheat the oven to 350°
Carefully cut the skin off of the orange making sure you do not get the white pith.
Carefully cut the orange into supremes over a bowl so as to reserve the juices. When done squeeze to get all of the juice out of the remaining orange.

lobster recipe, cooking en papillote, Lobster in Orange Sauce
Add the pieces of orange skin, the white wine, the reserved garlic oil and the orange juice to the lobster tails. Add about 1/2 tsp salt and mix well.
Let sit for 15 minutes.

lobster recipe, cooking en papillote, Lobster in Orange Sauce
Cut two large pieces of parchment paper.
Place two halves of a lobster tail in the center of a piece of parchment.
Fold it in half and then seal it for cooking en papillote – see how HERE
Repeat for the second lobster tail
Just before the last fold to close the packages pour half of the marinating liquid into each packet.
Place on a small baking sheet and place in the preheated oven. Bake for 15 minutes.
Be careful opening the packets – the steam is dangerously hot.
Remove the cooked meat from the shell and cut into bite sized pieces. Cut the pieces of orange supremes in half and mix with the lobster.

lobster recipe, cooking en papillote, Lobster in Orange Sauce
Serve over the rice, pour the juices from the packets over top. Sprinkle with parsley.

lobster recipe, cooking en papillote, Lobster in Orange Sauce

How Was It?

It was really good. The orange flavor came through so beautifully. The lobster was moist and cooked perfectly. I love this method of cooking – steaming just makes the food inside the packets stay moist.

Madagascar Pink Rice, lobster recipe, cooking en papillote, Lobster in Orange Sauce

It was a first time for Madagascar Pink Rice. The hubby had put the bag in my stocking at Christmas and it’s interesting. It’s rich and slightly nutty. I’ll pick it up again when we go the natural food store. Of course there were green beans. It seems there are always green beans….

Looking for a Celebration Recipe?

Lobster en Papillote with Orange Ginger Butter

Saffron Risotto with Langostinos

Scallops with Cherries and Pumpkin Seeds

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