New York Cheesecake with Honey and Lemon Berries

New York Cheesecake with Honey Lemon Berries

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Today’s post is brought to you thanks to samples of artisanal honey from Bee K’onscious Honey. They make 100% raw honey – no additives, no processing. We had two beehives on the farm and we did manage to extract honey for two seasons but sadly we had that very, very bad winter and we lost both hives. After much discussion we decided to not bring more bees on to the farm. We usually buy local honey from an apiary not too far from here but I am always open to trying different types. I am amazed at the varying tastes of honey – it’s remarkable.

I was sent three jars; Montana Clover Honey, Brazilian Cipo Uva and California Sage Honey. The hubby has been enjoying all three of them in different ways. The first day the box arrived he had some of the California Sage on his morning Belgian waffle,

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honey on waffle

He liked the change from his usual maple syrup. Ever since he has had one of the three honeys on his waffle days. I have enjoyed the Montana Clover honey on toast with peanut butter – it’s a really lovely honey. I also wanted to use some in a dessert but didn’t want to bake the honey so I thought and thought and came up with the idea of a delicious cheesecake topped with berries that were sweetened with honey instead of sugar. It worked perfectly. I used my go/to New York Cheesecake recipe from The Big Sky Bounty Cookbook. I’ve made this recipe over and over and over again and it has never failed me. It makes a wonderful cheesecake.

New York Cheesecake with Honey Lemon Berries

New York Cheesecake with Honey Lemon Berries

Serves 12 – 16

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  • 1 1/2 cups graham cracker crumbs
  • 2 1/2 TBS unsalted butter at room temperature
  • 1 1/2 TBS white sugar


  • 2 1/2 pounds cream cheese ( 5, 8oz pkgs) at room temperature
  • zest of two lemons, preferably organic
  • 1 tsp of lemon juice
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1 1/2 cups white sugar
  • 3 TBS all purpose flour
  • 5 eggs
  • 2 egg yolks
  • 1/2 cup sour cream

Honey Lemon Berries

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  • 4 cups mixed berries such as blackberries, raspberries, blueberries, strawberries – preferably organic
  • 1/4 cup raw honey like Bee K’onscious Montana Clover
  • 2 TBS fresh lemon juice

Make the cheesecake

  • Preheat oven to 375°
  • Butter the bottom of a 9? springform pan with 3? sides
  • In a bowl combine the graham crackers, sugar and softened butter. Mix well
  • Press the graham cracker mixture into the bottom of the springform pan.
  • Bake until light golden in color, about 8 minutes. Remove and let cool
  • Lower the temperature to 350°
  • Heat and keep warm enough water to fill a roasting pan large enough to hold the springform pan.
  • When the pan is cool butter the sides and wrap the sides and bottom in several layers of heavy duty aluminum foil
  • With a mixer, beat together the cream cheese, lemon zest and juice, vanilla and sugar.
  • Continue blending while adding flour and each egg and yolk, one at a time until well combined.
  • Add in the sour cream and mix well
  • Pour mixture into the prepared springform pan.
  • Place the springform into the roasting pan and place it on the oven rack. Carefully add enouth hot water to come halfway up the side of the pan.
  • Bake in the preheated oven for 1 hour and 20 minutes. If the top is browning too quickly you can create a foil tent.
  • The cheesecake is done when the center does not jiggle.

new york cheesecake

  • Cool on a wire rack, remove the foil. Carefully remove the springform outer mold.
  • Refrigerate overnight before serving

Bee K'onscious Honey box, AD

Make the Honey Lemon Berries

  • Just before serving mix the berries in a bowl. Cut the strawberries in quarters and any large blackberries in half.
  • Mix the honey and lemon juice together.
  • Pour the honey lemon over the berries and gently toss.
  • For a dramatic presentation for a party top the cheesecake with the berries.

slice of cheesecake with honey lemon berries

  • Otherwise cut the cheesecake and top each piece with some of the berries.

How Were the Berries in Honey and Lemon?

I knew the cheesecake would be good because I’ve made it so many times – the last time was right after the hubby had his hiatal hernia surgery when I made cheesecake with strawberry balsamic sauce. That time I didn’t have graham crackers and improvised the crust. The topping this time was the differance.

I have to note that I was exceptionally surprised at how well the honey brought out the sweetness of the berries. Where sugar can almost overpower the honey played so well. It enhanced the natural flavors and made them better. The honey sweetened without detracting. I don’t think I will ever use sugar on berries again. This raw honey from Bee K’onscious is exceptional. I have not in my life been a huge fan of the taste of honey but these have changed my mind, the Montana Clover in particular.

You can learn about Bee K’onscious

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