Pan Fried Mahi Mahi with Pumpkin Polenta

mahi mahi on pumpkin polenta

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Many a meal around here I cook for the husband and I will have a bowl of soup. Most of these dishes are fish as while I enjoy some types of fish I tend to stick with flounder and cod. The husband on the other hand loves all fish so he was thrilled when I made him spice rubbed, pan fried mahi mahi for dinner one night. He was doubly thrilled because of the pumpkin polenta – an experiment I tried that he absolutely gobbled down.

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Pan Fried Mahi Mahi on Pumpkin Polenta

Serves 2 (I only show one in the photos but the recipe is for 2)

For the Mahi Mahi:

For the Pumpkin Polenta

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For the Spice Rub

Preheat oven to 350

make pumpkin polenta

Make the Pumpkin Polenta

  • Mix 1/4 cup of pumpkin with 3/4 cup of the milk and add the nutmeg and salt.
  • Pour into a saucepan and heat until just about to boil.
  • Add the cornmeal. As it thickens add the rest of the pumpkin and milk.
  • Taste and adjust seasoning if needed with more salt.
  • Heat through, set aside and keep warm.
dry rub ingredients

Make the Dry Rub for the Mahi Mahi

  • mix together all the ingredients for the spice rub and set aside
dry rub on mahi

Cook the Mahi Mahi

  • Pat the mahi mahi dry and coat on both sides with the spice rub.
  • Heat a fry pan over medium heat and add the fish to the pan
cook mahi mahi
  • Cook on each side for three minutes and then remove the pan to the hot oven and immediately turn off the heat.
  • After 10 minutes remove the fish and it should be cooked unless you have an especially thick fillet.
pan fried mahi mahi
  • Remove the pan and serve the fillet with the pumpkin polenta and a side vegetable of choice.

How Was the Pan Fried Mahi Mahi with Pumpkin Polenta?

The husband truly enjoyed this meal. He loves mahi mahi and having the fish was a real treat for him. It was cooked perfectly and he said the spice rub was a lovely balance between heat and sweet.

We both enjoyed the pumpkin polenta. It’s something I know will appear again on the menu because it’s such a wonderful flavor. I am one of those people who don’t relegate pumpkin to just one month of the year. I try to always have a can or two on hand so I can experiment or make my favorite dishes any time of year.

Pumpkin desserts are among my favorite no matter when. Pumpkin cheesecake is to.die.for. But I wouldn’t say no to pumpkin bundt cake (with struesel!)

All in all a meal the husband really enjoyed.

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