Pan Fried Scallops with Balsamic Reduction

pan fried scallops with balsamic reduction on orange plate

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I was sent a bottle of Blackberry Ginger Balsamic Vinegar from Patricia and Paul at no charge and I used it in this recipe for Pan Fried Scallops with Balsamic Reduction. All opinions are my own.

patricia and paul vinegar and oil
You will see the Persian Lime Olive Oil in another recipe at a later date.

There is something magical that happens when you reduce balsamic vinegar to just about a syrup. The flavor concentrates and it becomes sweet without being cloying. It’s something I learned a long time ago and I use it whenever I have a high quality vinegar and something worth the effort of doing so.

Scallops certainly filled the bill. They don’t require much cooking or dressing up for that matter but they certainly came to life with the reduced balsamic on top. Served with couscous and my grandmother’s creamed cabbage, this was a delicious dinner.

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Pan Fried Scallops with Balsamic Reduction

serves 2

  • 10 sea scallops
  • 1 TBS all purpose flour
  • 1/2 tsp salt and 1/2 tsp pepper
  • 1/4 cup Blackberry Ginger Balsamic Vinegar*
  • 1 TBS canola oil
  • 1/2 cup dried couscous
  • Add the balsamic vinegar to a small pot over medium heat and reduce by half. Watch while it is cooking to be sure it does not burn. Set aside.
  • While the vinegar is reducing, mix the flour with the salt and pepper.
  • Dredge the scallops in the flour.
  • Heat a fry pan over medium high. When the pan is hot, add the oil and swirl.
  • Add the scallops and cook on one side for three minutes, turn and cook on the other side for three or four minutes until cooked through.
  • Serve on the plate with the couscous and creamed cabbage.
  • Before serving drizzle the scallops with balsamic reduction

How Were the Pan Fried Scallops with Balsamic Reduction?

Oh. My. Word. Something so simple and easy to make and yet so very delicious. This is why I love a meal like this. You can whip it up and it looks fancy and yet it is so very easy to make. The hardest part – and I mean this – is making sure you don’t burn the reduction.

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So pay attention to that vinegar. Once you get it reduced you have a magical taste bomb for your scallops. Or your shrimp or chicken. I have even used it on vegetables. It is a flavor bomb and it is heavenly.

But if you let it go past by even the slightest bit you have balsamic caramel and that is a culinary nightmare. It is sticky and impossible to use. So trust me when I say to watch it like a hawk. Better to pull it a little too soon than go too long. With practice you figure it all out.

And the practice is worth it.

I’ll have another recipe later this week using the uber delicious Persian Lime Olive Oil that I was sent along with the Blackberry Lime Balsamic I used in this recipe. And let me tell you about the balsamic – it’s so good you could sip it from a cup and be happy.

I have used the oils and vinegars from Patricia and Paul in the past both savory and sweet and they are of very high quality. I am eyeing up several that will soon be in my pantry for future cooking experiments. So do check them out if you would like to try some amazing flavor combinations in your cooking/baking.

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