Coffee Cake Recipes – Pear Coffee Cake with Chocolate and Oat Streusel

pear coffee cake

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I know we are just out of spring but the temperatures we have been having lately have me thinking more of fall than of summer. I pulled up a jar of my Ginger Spiced Pear Jam the other day and it reminded me of one of my favorite coffee cake recipes that uses pears. Lucky for me I had some of my home canned pears in the basement.

I am sure anyone who visits regularly knows I love coffee cake from all of my experiments in crumb cake. Instead of crumbs for this cake I made an oat streusel. It added a nice flavor to the topping. And since pear and chocolate go so well together – oh heck, I wanted some chocolate in the cake so I added some.

This recipe is really easy because it used canned pears; I used home canned but obviously store bought can be used as well. I suspect that you could even poach fresh pears and it would work well too.

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coffee cake recipes, pear coffee cake

Pear Coffee Cake with Chocolate and Oat Streusel

3/4 cup granulated sugar
1/4 cup canola oil
1 large egg
1/2 cup milk
1 tsp pure vanilla extract
2 cups all purpose flour
2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt

1 15 oz can pears – I used a quart jar I had canned myself

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1 cup rolled oats
1/2 cup brown sugar
1 TBS cinnamon
pinch of salt
4 TBS cold butter cut into small chunks
1/3 cup chocolate chips

Preheat oven to 350°

Spray an 8″ x 8″ baking dish with cooking spray.

Add the sugar, oil and egg to the bowl of a stand mixer with the paddle attached. Mix on med-high until the batter is airy and lemon yellow in color. Turn speed to low and add in milk and vanilla.

While the liquid ingredients are blending add the flour, baking powder and salt in a medium bowl and whisk together. Add these to the blended liquid ingredients all at once and stir on low speed until just mixed.

Put the batter in the prepared pan and spread evenly.

lay cut pears on batter, pear coffee cake

Remove the pears from the juice in the can and slice them into 1/4″ slices. Place them on top of the batter in the pan until it’s covered.

coffee cake recipes, mix streusel

Make the streusel:  add the oats, brown sugar, cinnamon and pinch of sugar to a bowl. Mix.

add chocolate chips to streusel, pear coffee cake recipe

Add the chunks of butter and using a pastry blender or two knives cut the butter into the mixture until it is the size of small peas. Add the chocolate chips and stir.

top batter with streusel, pear coffee cake recipe

Sprinkle the streusel evenly over the top of the pears and batter.

let baked coffee cake cool, coffee cake recipes

Bake in the preheated oven for 40 – 45 minutes until a toothpick comes out clean. Let cool and sprinkle powdered sugar over the top if desired.

coffee cake recipes, pear coffee cake

How Was the Pear Coffee Cake with Oat and Chocolate Streusel?

This was a tasty cake if I do say so myself. The pears add a nice moistness and the chocolate goes with them so very well. The oats add a bit of texture. I love coffee cake recipes that include fruit – like the chocolate strawberry crumb cake I make when I have fresh strawberries available.

I am definitely compiling a lovely collection of seasonal coffee cake recipes. Or I have a coffee cake addiction. Take your pick. Either way, enjoy a coffee cake today.

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