Salmon on Fried Green Tomatoes with a Balsamic Reduction- Recipes

plated salmon on fried green tomatoes with balsamic reduction

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I know I have written a myriad of times that the hubby’s favorite fish is salmon. I don’t care for it in the least – I am a big fan of chilean sea bass personally. But since I love the hubby I cook him things like salmon with honey lemon vinaigrette or salmon in cherry ale sauce. In the summer I love using the produce the hubby brings me from the garden to complement whatever protein I am serving. For this dinner that happened to be some really lovely green tomatoes. If there is one thing I really look forward to every summer it’s fried green tomatoes. So for this dinner I enjoyed the tomatoes and the hubby had his topped with his favorite fish. The balsamic reduction was something we both shared.

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salmon on fried green tomatoes

 Salmon on Fried Green Tomatoes with a Balsamic Reduction

2 6 oz  salmon fillets
2 green tomatoes
1/2 cup corn meal
1/4 cup white flour
olive oil for frying the tomatoes and cooking the salmon
1 tsp fresh thyme
1/2 cup balsamic vinegar
salt and pepper

Preheat oven to 350

bread tomatoes

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Mix the corn meal and white flour and season with salt and pepper. Slice the green tomatoes into 1/4″ slices and coat them with the mixture.

fry tomatoes

Heat the olive oil over med-high heat and when it is hot fry the tomatoes until they are nice and brown. Turn them over and cook until soft on the inside and a lovely brown on the outside. Set aside to keep warm.

While the tomatoes are cooking put the balsamic vinegar in a small pan and reduce it by half to a syrupy consistency. Set aside.

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Season the salmon fillets with salt and pepper.  Add a bit of olive oil to an oven safe fry pan and heat over med-high heat until hot.

Place the salmon skin side up and cook for two minutes. When the salmon releases, turn it over and cook for two more minutes.  

Remove the pan to the hot oven and cook for 15 – 20 minutes until done.

plated salmon on fried green tomatoes with balsamic reduction

To serve:  place the tomatoes on the plate, the salmon on top and drizzle with the balsamic reduction. Sprinkle with the fresh thyme.

How Was the Salmon on Fried Green Tomatoes with a Balsamic Reduction?

The hubby said this was delicious! The tang of the tomatoes and the sweet salmon. I served it with cauliflower thyme souffles and he loved the combination. He said the balsamic reduction was perfect in pulling it all together. Gotta love a man who enjoys what you cook!

I had the tomatoes with the reduction with the souffle and it was a delicious dinner without the fish. So we were both well served by these recipes.


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