Plum apple spice cider ~ YUMMY cold toddy!

plum apple iced toddy

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I have a new mixed drink for you to try this weekend! It’s not only a YUMMY cold toddy, the flavors are perfect for a fall night. Plum apple spice cider toddy, sounds good! Now, this isn’t a hot toddy, it’s a cold toddy.

Did you grow up with the threat of a hot toddy when you were sick? My brother and I did. I can honestly say that I dreaded those hot toddy’s each and every time. Honestly. A post on all the old wife’s tales and superstitions I was taught growing would be a very interesting and funny one. Some of them, you just laugh so hard at. Me, I believed them though.

I’ll try to remember to do a post on my probably funny to you, childhood superstitions, lol. I’ve put that on my calendar, really. Until then, I hope you’ll try out this cold toddy.

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plum apple iced toddy

Plum apple spiced cider ~ YUMMY cold toddy!

Yield: 1 8 oz drink
Prep Time: 3 minutes
Total Time: 3 minutes

The plum apple spiced cider is the PERFECT blend of flavors for the fall season (or really any season).


  • 2 oz Unsweetened black tea, iced
  • 1 oz Apple cider
  • 1 oz Plum Nectar Juice
  • 1 oz Apple Crown
  • 1 oz Apple Crown
  • 1 oz Plum Brandy
  • ½ oz Spiced Rum
  • 1 Cinnamon stick
  • Plum slices for garnish
  • Apple slices for garnish


  1. Fill your glass with ice
  2. In a cocktail shaker add ALL liquors, cinnamon stick, and juices
  3. Shake to combine
  4. Pour over the ice
  5. Remove the cinnamon stick
  6. Top with fruit slices


Please let me know what you thought about this mixed drink recipe!

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You know, it’s not that long until Thanksgiving. This weekend is the perfect weekend to take off and rest if you can. Trust me, with this blend of juices and liquors, you’ll be relaxed.

Are you looking for any certain type of mixed drink? Let me know and I’ll search around and who knows, I may already have a drink recipe for it!

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