Potato Vegetable Strata Recipe

potato vegetable strata, KitchenAid Vegetable Cutter Attachment, vegetarian recipe, meatless monday

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I wrote the other day about the wonderful addition to my kitchen toys thanks to my husband this holiday season. He surprised me with two attachments for my KitchenAids; the pasta press and the vegetable cutter. I’m learning how to use both of them and I showed my experience with the pasta press by making an easy Ground Beef Stroganoff with Homemade Fusilli. Today I’m going to share my first attempts with the vegetable cutter. Out of the recommended vegetables for use I only had potatoes in the house so a potato recipe it will be. I came up with a potato vegetable strata idea and I’m happy with the result.

I’ve included instructions for making this with or without the vegetable cutter attachment. Also, don’t be alarmed by the length of the instructions. It’s really just a lot of layering this way and that.


potato vegetable strata, KitchenAid Vegetable Cutter Attachment, vegetarian recipe, meatless monday

Potato Vegetable Strata

Serves 4 – 6

3 lbs potatoes, preferably organic
2 cups chopped frozen broccoli and cauliflower, or other vegetables of choice
1 large garlic clove
3 TBS butter
1 TBS olive oil
1/2 tsp salt
3 slices provolone cheese
3 TBS panko bread crumbs

Preheat the oven to 400°
Prepare the potatoes
If you have the vegetable cutter attachment:
Cut off the ends of the potato and insert onto the vegetable cutter per the instructions
I used the thick blade

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Let the potato run through until it stops cutting
Repeat with remaining potatoes.
If you are using a knife:
wash and peel your potatoes then slice them lengthwise about 1/4″ thick

Make the strata:
Add the frozen vegetables to a small baking dish and roast in the preheated oven for about 15 minutes until thawed and soft enough to cut through
Melt the butter with the olive oil. Add the garlic and 1/2 tsp salt.
Brush an 8 x 8″ baking dish with the garlic butter
If using the strips of potato from the vegetable cutter measure and cut them to fit the baking pan. The strips should be just slightly larger than the bottom of the pan.
How many strips you need to cover the pan will depend on the size of your potatoes.
Lay strips of potato horizontally and brush with the garlic butter
Lay a second layer of potato strips vertically and brush with garlic butter

potato vegetable strata, KitchenAid Vegetable Cutter Attachment, vegetarian recipe, meatless monday
Top with half of the chopped broccoli and cauliflower
Cover with strips of potato horizontally and brush with garlic butter
Follow with strips vertically and brush with garlic butter
Top with the slices of provolone
Then strips of potato vertically, brush with garlic butter
Horizontal strips and brush with garlic butter
Follow with the rest of the chopped vegetables
Then two more layers of potato strips as done before.For the top layer brush on all of the remaining garlic butter and sprinkle with the panko bread crumbs.
If you are using the slices cut with a knife lay out the potato to cover the bottom. Brush with garlic butter.
For the second layer put them the opposite direction.
Follow the directions for adding the vegetables and cheese above.
Bake in the preheated oven for 30 minutes, then lower the heat to 350° and bake for another 30 minutes.

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potato vegetable strata, KitchenAid Vegetable Cutter Attachment, vegetarian recipe, meatless monday
Let rest for 5 minutes before serving.

How Was It?

I honestly didn’t know what to expect as the recipe was a full on experiment.

It turned out downright tasty. My thought process going in was that I didn’t want a meal that was all about the cheese and cream sauce. I knew I needed a little bit of something that would be a little rich and creamy but I didn’t want it to be overwhelming. We were both pleased with how it tasted.

potato vegetable strata, KitchenAid Vegetable Cutter Attachment, vegetarian recipe, meatless monday

Potato was the forward flavor followed by garlic. The provolone added that richness I wanted without a lot of extra milk, etc.,. We had it again for dinner the next night and it was just as good. There was even enough left for one lunch.

I’m sure as play more with the vegetable cutter attachment I’ll come up with other fun meals. Just like with the pasta press I’ve got a bit of a learning curve ahead of me. Experimenting will be fun I suspect. Apples will be next I think – I have some ideas for what I can do with them so stay tuned.

See how the KitchenAid Pasta Press attachment works

See a recipe using the Pasta Roller Attachment



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