How to Pick REAL Parmesan Cheese and a Recipe for Fettuccine with Vegetarian Carbonara

Parmesan Cheese, Parmigiana Reggiano, Fettuccine with Vegetarian Carbonara, Parmesan recipe, #ParmesanAmbassador #ParmigianoReggiano #cheese #AD

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If you look in my refrigerator you will always find a wedge of real Parmesan cheese. I never purchase the pre-grated stuff. I want the real cheese. The kind with a rind and the dots on the end. That’s how you know you have true Parmigiana Reggiano cheese.  Cook’s tip – never toss the rind of your Parmesan. It’s great to toss into soups or stews for added flavor. I just add them to a bag in the freezer so I can pull one out when I need it. Read on to check out a favorite Parmesan recipe.

This post is brought to you by Parmigiano Reggiano cheese. I was provided with samples but all opinions are my own.

Parmesan Cheese, Parmigiana Reggiano, Fettuccine with Vegetarian Carbonara, Parmesan recipe, #ParmesanAmbassador, #ParmigianoReggiano. #cheese

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All About Real Parmesan Cheese

Real Parmesan cheese is an excellent source of calcium, protein, vitamin B12 and other nutrients. A one ounce serving has 110 calories. It’s a very versatile cheese in that you can just eat it plain, put it on crackers or add it to different dishes to add a layer of flavor. It’s traditional to add Parmesan to many Italian dishes like Risotto Milanese  – a real classic dish where the flavor of the cheese shines while being paired with saffron. It’s also one of the main ingredients in pesto – and pesto is used in all manner of meals like when I made Testaroli.

Did you know that due to the long aging process that real Parmesan cheese is naturally lactose free? It is also easily digestible. That is great for anyone who has digestive issues with milk and it’s products.

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I use it when I make souffles and quiches. I grate it over salads. As I noted – I am never without a wedge in my refrigerator because I never know when I might want to add it to what I am making. For example, the other night I needed a quick dinner and I whipped up a quick, vegetarian carbonara and it was easy to make and utterly delicious.

Parmesan Cheese, Parmigiana Reggiano, Fettuccine with Vegetarian Carbonara, Parmesan recipe, #ParmesanAmbassador, #ParmigianoReggiano. #cheese

Fettuccine with Vegetarian Carbonara 

Serves 2

  • 1 package fresh fettuccine (9 oz) or make your own
  • 1 1/2 cups milk
  • 1/2 cup shredded Parmigiano Reggiano cheese
  • 2 egg yolks
  • 1 tsp lemon zest
  • 1/4 tsp freshly ground pepper
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • fresh parsley if desired for garnish

Parmesan Cheese, Parmigiana Reggiano, Fettuccine with Vegetarian Carbonara, Parmesan recipe, #ParmesanAmbassador, #ParmigianoReggiano. #cheese

  • Set a large stock pot full of salted water on to boil to cook the fettuccine. Be prepared to retain some of the cooking water. Cook the fettuccine as directed

Parmesan Cheese, Parmigiana Reggiano, Fettuccine with Vegetarian Carbonara, Parmesan recipe, #ParmesanAmbassador, #ParmigianoReggiano. #cheese

  • Heat a large saute pan over medium heat. Add the milk, lemon zest, pepper and salt.

Parmesan Cheese, Parmigiana Reggiano, Fettuccine with Vegetarian Carbonara, Parmesan recipe, #ParmesanAmbassador, #ParmigianoReggiano. #cheese

  • When small bubbles just start to appear around the edges add the cheese and stir until melted

Parmesan Cheese, Parmigiana Reggiano, Fettuccine with Vegetarian Carbonara, Parmesan recipe, #ParmesanAmbassador, #ParmigianoReggiano. #cheese

  • Add a little bit of the milk mixture to the egg yolks and whisk to temper. Add a little more and whisk.

Parmesan Cheese, Parmigiana Reggiano, Fettuccine with Vegetarian Carbonara, Parmesan recipe, #ParmesanAmbassador, #ParmigianoReggiano. #cheese

  • Pour the egg yolks into the milk mixture and whisk to combine.

Parmesan Cheese, Parmigiana Reggiano, Fettuccine with Vegetarian Carbonara, Parmesan recipe, #ParmesanAmbassador, #ParmigianoReggiano. #cheese

  • Stir constantly over medium low heat until the sauce starts to thicken. Taste and adjust seasoning if necessary

Parmesan Cheese, Parmigiana Reggiano, Fettuccine with Vegetarian Carbonara, Parmesan recipe, #ParmesanAmbassador, #ParmigianoReggiano. #cheese

  • Add the slightly al dente, cooked fettuccine to the sauce and stir gently to coat the fettuccine.
  • Let cook gently in the sauce for a minute or two. If the sauce gets too thick add some of the reserved pasta water a little at a time

Parmesan Cheese, Parmigiana Reggiano, Fettuccine with Vegetarian Carbonara, Parmesan recipe, #ParmesanAmbassador, #ParmigianoReggiano. #cheese

  • To serve add pasta to a bowl and grate a little Parmesan over top and sprinkle with fresh parsley

How Was the Fettuccine with Vegetarian Carbonara?

This is truly one of my go/to easy meals for when I don’t know what to cook. I’ve made it with bacon. I’ve added broccoli. It’s good with shrimp. It’s amazing just as I’ve shown it but it’s also a wonderful starting point. Due to the delicious base of high quality Parmesan cheese this dish is heaven on a plate.

Parmesan Cheese, Parmigiana Reggiano, Fettuccine with Vegetarian Carbonara, Parmesan recipe, #ParmesanAmbassador, #ParmigianoReggiano. #cheese

That is why you don’t want to make this meal with the pre shredded stuff. The sauce is all about the cheese so you want something that tastes goooood. That’s why when you shop for Parmesan you should look for the dots!

Find more recipes using Parmesan

Learn the health properties of Parmesan

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