Salmon Recipe: Roasted Garlic Crusted Salmon – 350 Calorie Dinner

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The hubby is still trying to lose weight so I’m still working at making him some tasty low calorie dinners. He mentioned that he liked roasted vegetables so I’d been giving him plates of them on top of brown rice but he said he was bored so I turned to salmon – he loves salmon. The volume is much smaller but he said he’d rather have the smaller plate and have have some protein for a change.

The secret to making these meals really sing is to pack them with as much flavor as I can. I’m very lucky in that the man loves vinegar and I can do a lot with very few calories. I’ve also started playing with roasted garlic. It really packs a punch on the flavor front. This meal gets it’s oomph from vinegar and raisins in the kale and the garlic and thyme in the crust on the salmon.

Roasted Garlic Crusted Salmon - a 350 Calorie Dinner

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Roasted Garlic Crusted Salmon

Serves 1

1 3.5 oz piece of salmon
1 TBS panko break crumbs
3 garlic cloves
1/4 tsp dried thyme
3.5 oz kale
1 TBS raisins
1 TBS balsmic vinegar
salt and pepper

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Preheat oven to 350°

Place the three garlic cloves in a piece of tin foil and roast in the oven for 20 minutes to half an hour until it is very soft.

Add the roasted garlic to the panko bread crumbs.

Mash the garlic into the bread crumbs until it makes a pasted. Add the dried thyme and salt to taste.
Sprinkle the salmon with salt and pepper.

Spread the paste on the top of the salmon.
Heat a small cast iron or other oven safe saute pan over med. high heat. When the pan is hot spray with cooking spray. Add the salmon, paste side down and cook for about two minutes or until the crust is lightly browned.
Turn the fish over and cook on the other side for two minutes.
Place the pan into the oven and finish cooking – about 15 minutes depending on the thickness of your piece of fish.

While the fish is cooking add the chopped kale to a non stick pan with a bit of water. Heat until the kale starts to wilt.
Add the raisins and the balsamic vinegar with salt and pepper to taste.
To serve place the kale and raisins on the plate and the salmon on top.


The hubby really liked this one. I can’t say it’s the prettiest meal I’ve put in front of him but he loved the roasted garlic crust. In fact I’ve used it on several other things since I made this for him. He grew so much garlic this year (40 lbs!) I’ve got to do something with it all! The sweetness of the raisins paired well with the earthy kale and the rich salmon.


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