Salmon with a Balsamic Blackberry Sauce

Blackberry Balsamic Salmon

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As berry season comes upon us I would like to share one of the husband’s favorite ways to enjoy a salmon dinner – in this case it include a balsamic blackberry sauce. He loves salmon and fruit together so I try to come up with easy and delicious ways to combine the two for him. This also included another one of his favorites – balsamic vinegar.

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Salmon and Fruit Dinner: Salmon with Balsamic Blackberry Sauce

Serves 1 (can be doubled)

  • 3.5 oz salmon
  • 1 cup blackberries, divided
  • 2 TBS Balsamic Vinegar
  • 1 tsp freshly grated ginger root
  • salt and pepper
  • 1/2 cup prepared brown rice
  • 3.5 oz green beans, roasted with salt and pepper or side vegetable of choice
  • Preheat oven to 350 (to cook your side vegetable and to finish cooking the salmon)
make blackberry sauce
  • In a small sauce pan add half of the blackberries, the balsamic and the grated ginger root. Let it cook just until the blackberries soften and release their juices. If it gets too dry you can add a bit of water. Just before serving add the additional half cup of blackberries to just warm through.
  • While the sauce is cooking heat an oven safe pan over med-high heat. Add the oil.
cook the salmon
  • Sprinkle salt and pepper over the salmon. Add it to the pan and cook on each side for about 2 – 4 minutes depending on the thickness of your fillet. 
  • Remove the pan from the burner to the oven to finish cooking the fish – 10 – 15 minutes depending on the thickness of the fillet.
Blackberry Balsamic Salmon
  • Make sure your brown rice is warm and top it with the cooked salmon and the sauce.
  • Serve the beans on the side.

How Was the Salmon and Fruit?

The husband just loved it. As I noted above he is very fond of fish and fruit together. I’ve served him:

I suspect there might be others that I just didn’t find. Obviously the man loves his salmon and he doesn’t mind if I give him a recipe that has fruit. I must admit that I share his love of fruit sauces and I will often share the sauce if not the meal; I will just cook myself either chicken or a whitefish. That way we both get to enjoy dinner together even when I don’t like what I am cooking for him!

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