Slow Cooker Recipe – Apple Cider Pork Pot Roast with a Fall Compote

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The garden is really starting to produce and that means I’m busy in the kitchen. On days where I’m on my feet all day the last thing I want to do is then have to cook a dinner. On nights like this I’m very happy to have my slow cooker so that I can pop something into it in the morning and have a delicious meal ready to go with just a little extra work later at meal time. It also tends to be a meal that results in leftovers so I then have something for the next day too. It’s a win-win if you ask me!

The cabbages were coming in and I had a taste for sauerbraten so I sent the hubby to the store to pick me up a pot roast so I could set it to marinating. He’s a good man, he really is, but sometimes he doesn’t hear me. We had this long discussion on how we hadn’t had beef in a while and how it would taste good and what does he bring me home? A PORK pot roast! Granted I love port but I can’t make sauerbraten with it. So he is going back to the store tomorrow and I made something really delicious with the pork pot roast. Who even knew that pork pot roast existed? I didn’t – it’s been a long, long time since I’ve bought meat in the grocery store!

Apple Cider Port Pot Roast with a Fall Compote

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Apple Cider Pork Pot Roast with Fall Compote

Serves 4 – 6

1 3lb pork pot roast
2 onions cut into quarters
2 garlic cloves
3 cups apple cider
1 bottle ale
1 TBS whole cloves
1 TBS whole allspice
1 TBS whole coriander
1 TBS star anise
1 TBS canola oil
For the Compote:
1 large apple
1 pear
1/4 cup raisins
2 small Japanese eggplant
1 TBS plus 1 tsp olive oil
1 tsp butter
1 TBS molasses
1 TBS honey
1/2 tsp ground cloves
1/2 tsp salt

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Heat a large, heavy bottomed fry pan over high heat until hot – I used a cast iron pan.
Add the canola oil.

pork pot roast
Salt the pork post roast on both sides.

sear port pot roast
Sear the roast on both sides – about 2 minutes a side.
While the pork is searing set up the slow cooker. Mine is a 5 quart. Set it to high
Add the cider, ale and spices.
When the meat is done searing add it to the slow cooker.

pork pot roast in slow cooker
Add the onions and garlic.
Let the pork cook on high until the mixture comes to a boil and then reduce heat to simmer and let cook at that heat until ready to serve.
When ready to eat dinner make the compote:
Heat the oven to 350°
Cut the eggplant into half moons, add the 1 TBS olive oil and some salt and mix well. Bake in the oven for about half an hour until the eggplant are soft.
Peel, core and cut the apple and pear into small pieces.

Fall compote
In a large saute pan over medium high heat add the 1 tsp olive oil, the butter, the molasses and the honey. Let melt and add the cloves. Add in the apple, pear and raisins and let cook until the fruit just starts to cook. Add in the eggplant. Add salt to taste and let cook for about five minutes.

cooked apple cider pork pot roast
Remove the meat from the liquid in the slow cooker. It will be fall apart tender.

Apple Cider Pork Pot Roast with Fall Compote
Serve with mashed potatoes or rice and the compote on top.

Apple Cider Pork Pot Roast with Fall Compote

This was so very good. The meat took on the flavor of the apple cider and the spices. The house smelled heavenly as it cooked all day. It was Fall on a plate if you ask me. The fruit and eggplant were delicious together and complemented the meat in a delightful way. I’ll be looking for port pot roasts again.


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