Spiced Shortbread with Dried Cranberries

shortbread with dried cranberries

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As we all know by now, I love to bake. That is no secret. I try to have a sweet on hand so that we can enjoy a little treat after dinner. The husband prefers cookies so they are baked more often than anything else even though pie is my first choice. Not that I don’t like cookies but there is just something about a fruit pie…..

Shortbread are his favorite cookies but I find them a little bit….bland so I decided to add some spice and toss in some dried cranberries to see if I would like it better and indeed I did. The little hits of tart were just the thing in my opinion. I think next time a hint of dark chocolate might also make an appearance. We shall see.

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spiced shortbread

Spiced Shortbread with Dried Cranberries

makes 4 dozen give or take depending on the size of your cookie cutter

  • Whisk the flour and 5 Spice powder together. Set aside.
  • In a stand mixer with the paddle attached (or using a hand mixer in a large bowl) beat the butter, sugar, and salt until smooth and creamy. About 3 minutes.
  • Add the egg and mix for one minute. Don’t worry if it looks curdled. It will come together when you add the flour.
  • Turn off the mixer, lower the bowl and add all of the flour. Give it a stir to incorporate, then mix on low just ’til combined.
  • Stir in the dried cranberries.
  • Turn the dough out onto your counter, knead it a couple of times, then divide it in half.
  • Place each half between two pieces of parchment paper and roll out to about 1/4″ thick
  • Slide the dough, still on the parchment onto a cookie sheet and freeze for at least one hour. You can stack them on top of each other.
  • When you are ready to bake, preheat your oven to 350 and place the rack in the center of the oven.
  • Work with one piece of dough at time; remove from the freezer and let thaw for about 5 minutes. Then peel the dough from the two pieces of parchment and place it back on one.
  • Cut out your cookies – I used a 2″ biscuit cutter – and place them on your baking sheets
  • Be sure to refreeze any leftover dough before you reroll and cut.
  • Bake for 12 to 14 minutes rotating the sheet halfway in between
  • Cool on a wire rack

How Were the Spiced Shortbread with Dried Cranberries Cookies?

Well, let’s just say they didn’t last long and leave it at that. We both enjoyed these buttery cookies. I liked them because they weren’t too sweet and one just hit the spot when I was looking for a bit of dessert.

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I generally don’t like to fuss with cut out cookies but since the husband likes shortbread so much….well, you know how those things go. Next up will be something a little less time consuming.

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