Making Hamburgers for a Crowd – Also Great for Bulk Freezing

Making Hamburgers for a Crowd, making hamburger for bulk freezing

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We are coming into barbecue and party season so I thought this was a good time to remember when I made hamburgers for a crowd. It’s not difficult and the recipe is set up so that you can make anywhere from 28 to 111 hamburgers. This obviously gives you plenty of options for whatever your hamburger needs are. When I first posted this the hubby and I were off to a fundraiser and our donation was – you guessed it – the burgers! I made 111 burgers for the party. It was in a stunning location and I made friends with the equine residents.


Isn’t he a beautiful horse? He was very friendly and there were other horses that I visited as well. I do love horses and I have mentioned in the past I often go and pet the horses across the street. My adolescence  included a lot of riding so I am quite comfortable around these beautiful animals.

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hamburgers for a crowd


Making Hamburgers for a Crowd

makes from 28 – 111 burgers

Total amounts to make 111 1/4 pound hamburgers

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  • 25 lbs of ground meat – it’s best to have at least two different kinds (venison, beef, bison, pork, etc)
  • 4 8 oz boxes of panko bread crumbs
  • 1 dozen eggs
  • 12 TBS salt
  • 1 1/3 cups Worcestershire sauce

Broken down in batches that made around 26 – 28 hamburgers

  • 6 – 7 lbs ground meat
  • 1 8 oz box panko bread crumbs
  • 3 eggs
  • 1/3 cup Worcestershire Sauce
  • 3 TBS salt

Making Hamburgers for a Crowd, making hamburger for bulk freezing

  • Add the ground meat, panko, eggs, Worcestershire and salt to a large bowl.
  • Gently mix until well combined.
  • You don’t want to overwork the mixture but you want to make sure it is well combined.

Making Hamburgers for a Crowd, making hamburger for bulk freezing

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  • Take a bit out and cook it to taste to see if the seasoning is good. If not, adjust.

Making Hamburgers for a Crowd, making hamburger for bulk freezing

  • Measure out quarter pound portions and shape into burgers.

Making Hamburgers for a Crowd, making hamburger for bulk freezing

  • These can then be frozen if needed or used right away.
  • Repeat with the remaining ground meat and ingredients if making more than one batch.

How Was the Hamburger Recipe for a Crowd?

The meat I taste tested as I made each batch was very good and didn’t need any adjustments. I formed all the patties and we took them to the party where the barbecue master (our friend) cooked most of them up! From all accounts everyone thought they were very tasty and there were compliments all night. There were a few that remained uncooked and came home with us. I popped them in the freezer so I had them available for a quick meal for the hubby and me one night.

I am glad I learned how to make a tasty burger recipe for a crowd. I know it will come in handy. There are a few things I make in bulk for the freezer like waffles and stuffed cabbage. Some recipes just lend themself to it and it’s nice to have an easy meal available at times.


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