Steamed Pudding Recipe – Gooey Toffee Pudding with Bourbon Vanilla Creme Anglaise

steamed pudding recipe, gooey toffee pudding, bourbon vanilla creme anglaise

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Last week the challenge for the Great British Baking Show Bakealong was a steamed pudding. I had never made one and I had never heard of one until I had watched the Great British Bake Off. So this challenge was leading me down baking alleys I had never gone. This is part of the reason I am so enjoying this group and these weekly challenges. I had no experience so it was off to the internet to research and I found a recipe to work with. I’ve added a sauce to come to my final result.

steamed pudding recipe, gooey toffee pudding, bourbon vanilla creme anglaise

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Gooey Toffee Pudding with Bourbon Vanilla Creme Anglaise

Makes 8

For the Steamed Pudding

  • 10 TBS unsalted butter at room temperature
  • 1 cup packed light brown sugar
  • 3 large eggs
  • 1 1/3 cup self rising flour

For the Caramel sauce

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  • 1/3 cup light brown sugar
  • 1/3 cup dark brown sugar
  • 6 TBS unsalted butter
  • 2/3 cup heavy cream
  • pinch of salt

For the Bourbon Vanilla Creme Anglaise

  • 1/2 cup whole milk
  • 1/2 cup heavy cream
  • 1 vanilla bean scraped
  • 3 large egg yolks
  • 3 TBS sugar
  • 2 TBS bourbon (optional) But then it’s only vanilla Creme Anglaise

steamed pudding recipe, gooey toffee pudding, bourbon vanilla creme anglaise

  • Grease the ramekins. Cut a circle to fit the bottom of each one and grease it.

Make the Caramel Sauce

steamed pudding recipe, gooey toffee pudding, bourbon vanilla creme anglaise

  • Add the sugars and butter to a saucepan. Heat until the sugars are melted and the mixture is glossy.
  • Add in the heavy cream and simmer for one minute, stirring constantly.

steamed pudding recipe, gooey toffee pudding, bourbon vanilla creme anglaise

  • Evenly divide the mixture among the 8 ramekins.
  • Let cool for 30 minutes.

Make the cake batter

  • Preheat oven to 350°
  • Cream the butter and sugar together
  • add the eggs, one at a time, beating well after each one.


  • Add the flour and mix just until combined.
  • Evenly divide the batter on top of the cooled caramel in the ramekins.

steamed pudding recipe, gooey toffee pudding, bourbon vanilla creme anglaise

At this point you can freeze the puddings if you want. Just cover them with plastic wrap and pop in the freezer.

steamed pudding recipe, gooey toffee pudding, bourbon vanilla creme anglaise

If you want to continue:

steamed pudding recipe, gooey toffee pudding, bourbon vanilla creme anglaise

  • Add the ramekins to a baking dish and add cold water to about 1/2″

steamed pudding recipe, gooey toffee pudding, bourbon vanilla creme anglaise

  • Bake in the preheated oven for 35 minutes until they are golden brown and a toothpick comes out clean

While the puddings are baking make the Creme Anglaise

steamed pudding recipe, gooey toffee pudding, bourbon vanilla creme anglaise


  • Add the milk, cream, scraped seeds and vanilla pod to a sauce pot. Bring to a simmer and remove from heat
  • Whisk the egg yolks and sugar in a medium bowl.

steamed pudding recipe, gooey toffee pudding, bourbon vanilla creme anglaise

  • Add a little of the hot mixture to the egg mixture to temper. Whisk. Add a bit more.
  • Add the egg mixture to the milk mixture and whisk to combine.
  • Return to the heat and stir constantly over medium heat until the mixture starts to thicken and coats the back of a spoon.
  • Add the bourbon if using and continue cooking for about a minute.
  • Strain into a bowl. Cool before using

Finish the Dish

steamed pudding recipe, gooey toffee pudding, bourbon vanilla creme anglaise

  • When the puddings are finished baking, carefully loosen with a butter knife and turn over onto a plate.
  • Serve with equal portions of the creme anglaise

steamed pudding recipe, gooey toffee pudding, bourbon vanilla creme anglaise

How Were the Steamed Puddings?

Oh.My.Word. I never thought I would run into a dessert that I thought was too sweet. But I have. This is a very, very sweet dessert. The hubby and I found that we were happier sharing one. Neither one of us could eat one all by ourselves. This is a rich, sweet dessert. It is good, don’t get me wrong, just teeth ringingly sweet.

steamed pudding recipe, gooey toffee pudding, bourbon vanilla creme anglaise

The cake is super light and the caramel is luscious. I really think it would be better served with ice cream but the challenge called for a sauce. This bourbon vanilla creme anglaise – I could drink a bowl full. It was heavenly.

Next week the challenge is to make a hand raised pie. Another foray into something new.  Woo hoo!

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