What’s For Dinner? Chilean Sea Bass “Picatta”

cooking Chilean sea bass, Chilean Sea Bass Picatta

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I have a few fallback recipes that I have so memorized I don’t even have to think about them when I want to prepare them. Picatta style is one of these – I use the delicious combination of lemon, white wine and chicken stock in various ways to make a quick and delicious dinner. I even used it to flavor barley the other night. It was DELICIOUS! It was a perfect solution for cooking Chilean sea bass.

I had a gorgeous filet of Chilean seabass from Anderson Seafoods and I knew it would yummy prepared in this fashion. What I didn’t know is that it would be so delicious that the hubby would finish, look at me and like Oliver Twist say, “more.” And I had to tell him we had eaten it all. I could hardly take the look in his eyes..

It WAS that good.
So, how did I make this meal?
It’s so simple. My biggest problem with making it in these parts is the fresh lemon. Lemons are so very expensive here. When they go on sale I buy a bunch of them. If I don’t use them before they start to go I zest them, then juice them and freeze both for future use. That way I have real lemon juice when I want it.

I made  a pot of jasmine rice to accompany the meal.

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cooking Chilean sea bass, Chilean Sea Bass Picatta

Chilean Sea Bass Picatta

1 8 oz Chilean Sea Bass filet
2 TBS all purpose flour
1 tsp salt
juice of one lemon
1/4 cup white wine
1/2 cup chicken stock

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cooking Chilean sea bass, Chilean Sea Bass Picatta

Mix the flour and salt.

Slice the sea bass fillet into 1/4″ pieces and dredge them in the flour mixture.

cooking Chilean sea bass, Chilean Sea Bass Picatta

Place a heavy bottomed pan over medium high heat and add the canola oil. When the oil is hot add the fish and cook for about two minutes until browned. Turn over and brown on the other side. Remove from the pan.

Deglaze the pan with the white wine. Add the chicken stock and let cook until slightly reduced. Add the lemon juice and cook for about 1 minute.

cooking Chilean sea bass, Chilean Sea Bass Picatta

Add the fish back in and cook for about 1 minute until cooked through. Add the parsley and remove from heat.

cooking Chilean sea bass, Chilean Sea Bass Picatta

Serve over cooked rice with plenty of sauce.
cooking Chilean sea bass, Chilean Sea Bass Picatta

How Was It?

I had my home canned green beans (what else!) that I had heated with a bit of olive oil and garlic as a vegetable.

The fish was melt in your mouth tender and had the buttery taste that Chilean seabass is so very famous for. I’m telling you we could have eaten three more servings it was THAT good. The touch of lemon brought out the best in the fish.

Even though the filets had been frozen you would never had known it – they tasted FRESH.
The fish from Anderson Seafoods IS restaurant quality and it maintains that quality even after being in the freezer for several months. I bought this filet BEFORE CHRISTMAS and it was perfection.

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Other Chilean Sea Bass Recipes

Chilean Sea Bass in Lemon Sauce

Chilean Sea Bass en Papillote with Bourboned Apples

Chilean Sea Bass with Lemon Yogurt Sauce

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